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slimeattack said:
FFXIII will move consoles, but in Japan. The series was always strong there (2-3 m). Now there are hardly that many PS3's, so expect an amazing boost.


Pretty much. The only way the Japanese can get FFXIII is on the PS3. Even the most die hard 360 fanboi cant deny that FF games move in Japan like none other, concidering the low, low numbers of the PS3 in Japan, I would expect a massive uptick in Console sales there for at least a solid month as stock runs out, gets replenished and runs out and so on. After that, who knows?

As for the topic, its been stated before, but I'll say it as my opinion. The PS3 outsold the 360 by a fair margin last holiday season. However, it had yet to win the HD war, it had next to zero good exclusives, most if not all Multiplatform games on it ran better on the 360 and it cost more.

Now it has won the HD war, Multiplatform games are near identicle on both systems and there are massive exclusives hitting for it this holiday season. The only thing that stayed the same is that it costs more than the 360. I would expect the difference in sales to almost be expodentially bigger this season.

If anything, it should be fun to watch. Now if you will excuse me, I just saw the Dark Knight and I need to go contemplate exactly how good it was.

I own all three current consoles and a great gaming rig, now thats out of the way.

This space Reserved for the Nuggets of Wisdom dropped by Bladeforce:

"Why post something like this when all it will get is PS3 owners blinded to reality replying? BOTH THE PS3 AND BLUE-RAY WILL NOT LAST 3 YEARS! TECHNOLOGY CHANGED TOO FAST!"

"is it Wii FIt that has sold as many as PS3's sold? Thats a LOL Look at the total sales of software is it just me that sees Nintendo titles hitting 10m+ and you say they arent making a difference? Another LOL!"

"Hell, with all the negative hype Sony spin, people just aren't interested cost is too high and to get the true HD experience (1080p, 7.1 surround) you will need a $1000+ system. THAT IS GOING TO DO IT IN A RECESSION! PS4 will not happen"