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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The best next-gen gaming system is also the most expensive. FACT!

Quad core????

LOL! omg you fail sir


You just wasted money on quad core...Do you also have Vista, if so then my 5 year old PC is just as fast as yours...



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RAcCoOnErOuS said:

Quad core????

LOL! omg you fail sir


You just wasted money on quad core...Do you also have Vista, if so then my 5 year old PC is just as fast as yours...



Until you actually do anything, and then you'll be waiting.... and waiting.... and waiting.... and more waiting.



Waiting on what?

RAcCoOnErOuS said:

Quad core????

LOL! omg you fail sir


You just wasted money on quad core...Do you also have Vista, if so then my 5 year old PC is just as fast as yours...




Firstly, it is not Quad core(the AMD has quadcs) but a Core 2 Quad. Secondly I'm running win xp pro since I still am holding for Vista to be optimised. Thirdly, Care to put your money where your mouth is and tell me what specs that 5 year old PC has so that I may school you? :)

I could show u the benchmark tests for it...






That is untrue. If you only used your PC for gaming like your console and never did anything else on it than play original games and movies, then you would get any infections. The fact that you use your computer for IMs, Browsing the internet, downloading and playing freeware games, Exchanging excel and word docs with macros and countless other activities put you at risk and it is for "THOSE" reasons that you need an antivirus. The console is a primitive piece of technology lacking the versatility of the PC which is why it has no need for protection.

Imagine it like this... the deathtolls on the road would be far less if everyone was walking(console) instead of driving cars(PC).


I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!

Idc if your "new and Over price POS" computer is going to school mine, im not an idiot and going to waste 2000 dollars on a computer that i can build one for half the price..

You remind me of those annyoing People that buy a Hybrid car and thinks hes a badass...Just in this case you have a over price computer and you think your hot shit...

arrrrrrrrgh im done with this. kthxbai

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shio said:
TWRoO said:

@shoestar. There is your problem again.... Accessablity or ease of use, people don't want to fuck around having to install some disc that runs DOS or whatever... they want to put the game in and play it.

Atleast PC gives you the option of playing thousands and thousands of oldies, ranging PC games, SNES, NES, Genesis, PS1, PS2, Sega CD, Gamecube, Master System, etc....

No easu of use? Today you probably don't even need to put in the disk to play PC games (unlike consoles). You have Steam and other DD services, Cracks, and companies approaching the DRM which lets you play the games without any Disk. It's such a hassle to have to change disks everytime I want to play a different game on a console.

Unless you are completely ignorant/retarded about PCs, you can easily come up with something to play almost any old game on PC. Example, with DosBox you can play all those 20 year old DOS games on your modern PC.


You can play all those games on consoles and handhelds if you want as well. Not to mention portability with handhelds. There´s  scummvm and dosbox for many consoles and both psp, ds. There are also countless of console emulators available as well for consoles and handhelds.

Disk or no disk, where´s the difference. As long as the driver is not loud, data and instructions still have to get stored to RAM and caches. It´s no hassle to me changing disks, it´s actually the same hassle as eventually booting the pc, clicking on the icon and waiting for the game start up.

Why are people still calling this gen "next gen" like WTH? Next Gen is a cloud out in the future and no one knows what it'll bring except those working on designing the systems right now.

I call for a ban on anyone calling this gen, next gen.  I'm sure the rest of you guys are sick of this as well. ;)

I'm kidding but sorta am not.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

RAcCoOnErOuS said:

Idc if your "new and Over price POS" computer is going to school mine, im not an idiot and going to waste 2000 dollars on a computer that i can build one for half the price..

You remind me of those annyoing People that buy a Hybrid car and thinks hes a badass...Just in this case you have a over price computer and you think your hot shit...

arrrrrrrrgh im done with this. kthxbai


Who said the $2000 one isn't built from scratch. Everything has been looked and catered for by me. From looking for the best deal on the corsairs ddr 3 and motherboard that would support both them the core 2 quad. From the powersupply to the casing... Graphic cards to the sound card.

Anyway, u just answered my question with ur silly response :) You called not wanting to waste 'your' time by simply writing the specs to ur 5 year old pc that would beat my computer and yet, which would have taken barely a couple of lines and yet u write a full paragraph wasting 'your' said time :) I'll pretty much put u down as all talk and no show...

Thank you for participating and goodbye :)

I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!

Shoestar said:
RAcCoOnErOuS said:

Idc if your "new and Over price POS" computer is going to school mine, im not an idiot and going to waste 2000 dollars on a computer that i can build one for half the price..

You remind me of those annyoing People that buy a Hybrid car and thinks hes a badass...Just in this case you have a over price computer and you think your hot shit...

arrrrrrrrgh im done with this. kthxbai


Who said the $2000 one isn't built from scratch. Everything has been looked and catered for by me. From looking for the best deal on the corsairs ddr 3 and motherboard that would support both them the core 2 quad. From the powersupply to the casing... Graphic cards to the sound card.

Anyway, u just answered my question with ur silly response :) You called not wanting to waste 'your' time by simply writing the specs to ur 5 year old pc that would beat my computer and yet, which would have taken barely a couple of lines and yet u write a full paragraph wasting 'your' said time :) I'll pretty much put u down as all talk and no show...

Thank you for participating and goodbye :)

Lol, im not on "my" PC so i don't no what exactly i sure your computer is better than mine since you wasted 2000$ which i hope its better than my 600$ pc..I miss read your post and thought you had quad core..


But the way you type makes me mad, you think your soo Godly with your computer..


Just have fun with your 2000$ in the next few years your just going to ask yourself hmm? i could of use that money for Food...< lol that made me lol too i no i no =D

But anyway im going to leave this thread and make you think you won Since everyone should bow down to your Godly computer


Can your PC butter your toast? I didn't think so.


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