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RAcCoOnErOuS said:

Idc if your "new and Over price POS" computer is going to school mine, im not an idiot and going to waste 2000 dollars on a computer that i can build one for half the price..

You remind me of those annyoing People that buy a Hybrid car and thinks hes a badass...Just in this case you have a over price computer and you think your hot shit...

arrrrrrrrgh im done with this. kthxbai


Who said the $2000 one isn't built from scratch. Everything has been looked and catered for by me. From looking for the best deal on the corsairs ddr 3 and motherboard that would support both them the core 2 quad. From the powersupply to the casing... Graphic cards to the sound card.

Anyway, u just answered my question with ur silly response :) You called not wanting to waste 'your' time by simply writing the specs to ur 5 year old pc that would beat my computer and yet, which would have taken barely a couple of lines and yet u write a full paragraph wasting 'your' said time :) I'll pretty much put u down as all talk and no show...

Thank you for participating and goodbye :)

I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!