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RAcCoOnErOuS said:

Quad core????

LOL! omg you fail sir


You just wasted money on quad core...Do you also have Vista, if so then my 5 year old PC is just as fast as yours...




Firstly, it is not Quad core(the AMD has quadcs) but a Core 2 Quad. Secondly I'm running win xp pro since I still am holding for Vista to be optimised. Thirdly, Care to put your money where your mouth is and tell me what specs that 5 year old PC has so that I may school you? :)

I could show u the benchmark tests for it...






That is untrue. If you only used your PC for gaming like your console and never did anything else on it than play original games and movies, then you would get any infections. The fact that you use your computer for IMs, Browsing the internet, downloading and playing freeware games, Exchanging excel and word docs with macros and countless other activities put you at risk and it is for "THOSE" reasons that you need an antivirus. The console is a primitive piece of technology lacking the versatility of the PC which is why it has no need for protection.

Imagine it like this... the deathtolls on the road would be far less if everyone was walking(console) instead of driving cars(PC).


I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!