WarmachineX said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Friend: It has no games!
Me: it has fewer games.
Friend: 360 has Halo, Cod4, Bioshock,Madden,Blue Dragon, Bad Company, UT3, etc...
Me: Ok...Mediocre,MultiPlat,MultiPlat,MultiPlat,Mediocre,MultiPlat,MultiPlat,etc...
Me:And PS3 has MGS4, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, Warhawk, and Heavenly Sword, when It comes to exclusives PS3 is unmatched really.
Friend:PS3 Costs MORE!
Me:Sigh! Ok,PS3 is $400-500, right? and the bottom 360 is 270.
for a bottom teir 360 for 300 u dont get a harddrive which means...
120 for a 20GB hardrive
Seeing as the PS3 has BluRay, to match that u need HDDVD....
another 200 bucks, but i dont advise seeing as HDDVD has already LOST!
and dont forget ur controllers use batteries....
So expect to shell out 5 bucks every so often or buy the Play and Charge kit for 30 bones
Lastly in order to play online it costs 50 bucks a yr, meaning if u had it for at LEAST 2 yrs it comes to 100 bucks. and another 100 for a wifi adapter if so need it.
Total for a 360 bundle that rivals the PS3's package, roughly in the 800 range.
Friend: So?
Me: The Fact that the PS3 comes with a built in Wifi, rechargable controllers, Blu Ray player to make it future proof, and free online gaming all for a substatially lower price point than what Microsoft in actuallity is charging? Priceless!
Customer:Um....Can I get a PS3 then?
Your arguments for the PS3 are weak. Those "exclusives" you speak of are below average games and are not something an average person would like. (exception maybe MGS)
Um apparently you have never played them, and if THOSE are weak than majority of the 360 "Exclusives are weak by that same definition. Resistance, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm, Warhalk, Ratchet and Clank, MGS4 are just as Popular as the 360 Exclusives, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon(Which was Terrible might I add), Perfect Dark(equally as terrible), etc. Most of the 360 exclusives are shovel ware as far as sales go, they sell enough to get by. Also many of those said exclusives are actually times (Bioshock anyone?)
As for the price, $300 for a system is not bad; If I wanted a PS3, I would have to dish out at least $400, and that's if I want that crappy one with no BC. As a gamestop worker I am surprised you didn't hear of the upcoming 360 price drop due to the 60gb units coming out.
Valid but that is not my point. A customer will litterally walk up to me and say something like "Thats way too exspensive, get me a 360!" So Im like ok whatever. I get him the 360 and the man will buy a wifi adaptor(100) a play and charg kit(30) and a yr sub for Live(50) on top of the standard systems price. This is in contrast that if he baught a PS3 he would have been getting basically the same thing. And I kno that 360 has many exclusives but the MultiPlat stuff is what sells the most(COD4,Battlefield,Assassin's Creed,UT3,etc) The customer tend to find one of these as their first buy and Im like "THATS ON PS3 TOO!!!" And to top that off the 360 has a 30% fail rate, ludacris! I would NEVER get a ps system WITH THAT KIND OF FAIL RATE! So it comes down too the PS3 was the better deal, yet the customer just did not know it....
Blu Ray? Give me a break; that is no reason to buy a GAMING system. So what if HDDVD lost? HD is not important right now, especially since most ppl don't own an HDTV. It's not standard so it not important.
Im not talking about HD blah blah, thats further down in the timeline. Im talking pure storage space. Games can be bigger. I personally am a huge RPG buff and the longer and prettier, the better. Take Lost Odyssey, standard RPG on 360. I think its like 5 discs??? If it had been on PS3 it would of been on one. ANd the 360 fanboys yell "Well I dont mind swapping discs!" which is not even the point. The point is if that WHOLE game can fit on ONE BluRay, what if the game was on 5 BLURAYS isntead. That game would be enormous, and in return, better.
Online Play? Xbox live has exclusive DL packs for those "mulit platform" games. The gaming community on live is also more diverse.
The DLC has proven to be useless. Just as 360 owners can DL content for games like Oblivion, the PS3 version can have them built in Standard. Now MS does get exclusive content for paying companies hansomely but I still dont approve of their bargaining method with companies anyway. The GTA4 DLC has yet to see the light of day and I really dont believe it is going to get customers to repurchase seeing as in the last month GTA has been coming back by the bucket load. The game has lost its charm on the 360's side. Majority of the returns are on the 360's system, now y is that? It could be because the 360's install of the game was larger, but not by that much to warrent the ratio 6:1. Simply put the fanbase was never really there for the 360. The game was hyped, 360 users baught it, fell out of love with it after a little while while the PS3 fans kept it.
What it come down to is that gamestop just wants to push the PS3 because it is a bigger sale per unit, as opposed to let's say, a Wii. You never hear them tell you that you should buy a Wii because that is not profitable or as profitable.
And I assure you that is just not true. I am deemed in house Sony guy of my store seeing as everyone else is so Pro MS! NOw I AM a salesman so I have a salesman like approach to my reasoning but i am NOT BLIND. I simply have spot countless flaws in all three areas and simply must point them out. Wii doesnt need any employee to sell it anyway, they are good All by themselves. Obviously seen by the Wii Sells....