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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Could a Barack Obama victory in 2008 increase X360 sales in Others/Japan?

halogamer1989 said:
He isn't a Muslim but is a Christian from Black theology radicalism. He is associated with convict Tony Rezko who he worked out his house deal w/. He is a first gen American w/ a Kenyan college that had an affair with a white Kansas woman at a Hawaiian university-we get Barack Hussein Obama-he spends some childhood in Indonesia in a madrassa-he has only 3 years national level congressional experience-we get a good speech and "Yes we can!"-we hopefully get a loss in Nov. but that's just me . . .

Why would it matter that she was white? Why not just say a "Kansas woman" unless your trying to do some race baiting.

Obama is nowhere near as radical as people make him out to be... which if people knew that would actually be a detriment to his campaign had it got out.  For example... his middle class tax cut is lower then Obamas and he seems to be in the corn ethanol lobbys pocket despite the fact the UN has named ethanol one of the big reasons for the global food crisis.

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Stats87 said:
luinil said:
Stats87 said:

So just because I don't buy into spin and slander I'm drinking kool-aid?

Maybe the fact I live in Canada and free from devotion to either party allows me to view the Political situation in the USA more clearly then some.

The only spin and slander I hear comes from Obama's own mouth. I don't have a devotion to any political party. I simply support those that have the same or similar viewpoints as myself. Obama = Jimmy Carter x2, that is not a good thing.


selective hearing?

let me guess, you liked Reagan right?

Let me guess, you don't like Reagan? Perhaps you don't know what was going on during the Carter years. Carter was an inept President and an incompetent Leader. Reagan was good at both.

luinil said:

The only spin and slander I hear comes from Obama's own mouth.

Fascinating, when exactly did you lose your hearing?


It's perfectly fine for you not to like Obama.  I completely support your choice not to vote for him.  But "terrorist fist jabs" and "The difference between Obama and Osama is BS" and all the other accusations including those of him being Muslim beg to differ with your analysis of the situation.

azrm2k said:
luinil said:

The only spin and slander I hear comes from Obama's own mouth.

Fascinating, when exactly did you lose your hearing?


It's perfectly fine for you not to like Obama.  I completely support your choice not to vote for him.  But "terrorist fist jabs" and "The difference between Obama and Osama is BS" and all the other accusations including those of him being Muslim beg to differ with your analysis of the situation.


LMAO!!! I love how you have just equated what I believe, which you have not asked for nor have I expressed to you, to something someone else said in such a bold way. If you don't know what I believe, don't put words in my mouth. I would appreciate that, and I will return the favor.

I didn't mean you neccessarily agreed with those statements or supported them in any way. I was saying that the fact that others have said them disagrees with your assessment that the only spin and slander is coming from Obama.

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luinil said:
Stats87 said:
luinil said:
Stats87 said:

So just because I don't buy into spin and slander I'm drinking kool-aid?

Maybe the fact I live in Canada and free from devotion to either party allows me to view the Political situation in the USA more clearly then some.

The only spin and slander I hear comes from Obama's own mouth. I don't have a devotion to any political party. I simply support those that have the same or similar viewpoints as myself. Obama = Jimmy Carter x2, that is not a good thing.


selective hearing?

let me guess, you liked Reagan right?

Let me guess, you don't like Reagan? Perhaps you don't know what was going on during the Carter years. Carter was an inept President and an incompetent Leader. Reagan was good at both.


I know exactly what went on during the Carter years, but in pales in comparison to what happened during the Regan era.

What made Reagan a good leader exactly? Because he was a puppet President that used his experience in Acting to dupe those who were willing to listen?

then yes, he was a good leader.

O please fill me in on what I missed about Reagan. What exactly happened during the Reagan era that makes everything that went wrong under Carter pale in comparison?

exindguy said:

Let me take a wild stab at this:

1. You think the current infatuation with Barack Obama that large swaths of Europe and America suffer from also afflicts the Japanese.

2. You then assume that because everyone loves Barack Obama that this goodwill will extrend to America in general.

3. You finally assume that because of all this warmth directed towards Barack Obama, should he be elected, the United States will suddenly appreciate a great deal in the eyes of the world and that this goodwill also be transferred to American corporations and they may also experience a halo effect (ooh, how apt!)

Have I just about got it?


 Yes that is exactly what he is saying...


My oh my!!! There's some absolute retards on this forum...that didn't even understand what the OP was saying. The thread title fully explains it...


The answer is actually....




I'll tell you why right now, and I don't think anyone in the US is qualified to answer this question.

When I was a young little kiddy, the thought of going to "america" filled me with excitment and it had a kind of magic to it...films...disney...etc. Now when I think of "america" - I think of...

Extremely stupid people

Ignorant people

Annoying culture

George Bush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iraq, which I was all for originally (not many british were)...Because I'm open and don't jump on bandwagons and only take an opinion if I know a bit about the subject (like this topic!)

Let me catergorically say that I have nothing against "americans" (I've actually met quite a few canadians on whist travelling and they seem like british in their way of thinking...prolly why people in the US don't like them)...Anyway...These are just MY THOUGHTS and they directly pertain to this thread and answering...


Anyway, sorry for waffle...Basically all those negative thoughts have stemmed completely from GEORGE BUSH. He is on the news network channels all the time, virtually a day doesn't go by without some story on his...



Extreme stupidity...


Its all veiled as a news story but that is basically what its trying to show, and that is what nearly EVERYONE thinks


I'm telling you straight, as soon as Obama gets his foot in the door, hostility towards the US will drop to levels that would be impossible right now...AND IT WILL HAVE AN EFFECT ON SALES OF THE XBOX 360!!!!!!!!!!!

That the problem, The PS3 does come across very Japanese, and the 360 does come across very "American"...The design, the user interface, the types of game...


I'm serious, you will see a difference in sales when he gets in.

To get back on topic, I think electing Obama might actually get more units of the X360 to sell. The only way that happens though is when the dollar takes a bigger plunge and people buy more American goods because it's cheaper.

luinil said:
O please fill me in on what I missed about Reagan. What exactly happened during the Reagan era that makes everything that went wrong under Carter pale in comparison?

Iran Contra?