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exindguy said:

Let me take a wild stab at this:

1. You think the current infatuation with Barack Obama that large swaths of Europe and America suffer from also afflicts the Japanese.

2. You then assume that because everyone loves Barack Obama that this goodwill will extrend to America in general.

3. You finally assume that because of all this warmth directed towards Barack Obama, should he be elected, the United States will suddenly appreciate a great deal in the eyes of the world and that this goodwill also be transferred to American corporations and they may also experience a halo effect (ooh, how apt!)

Have I just about got it?


 Yes that is exactly what he is saying...


My oh my!!! There's some absolute retards on this forum...that didn't even understand what the OP was saying. The thread title fully explains it...


The answer is actually....




I'll tell you why right now, and I don't think anyone in the US is qualified to answer this question.

When I was a young little kiddy, the thought of going to "america" filled me with excitment and it had a kind of magic to it...films...disney...etc. Now when I think of "america" - I think of...

Extremely stupid people

Ignorant people

Annoying culture

George Bush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iraq, which I was all for originally (not many british were)...Because I'm open and don't jump on bandwagons and only take an opinion if I know a bit about the subject (like this topic!)

Let me catergorically say that I have nothing against "americans" (I've actually met quite a few canadians on whist travelling and they seem like british in their way of thinking...prolly why people in the US don't like them)...Anyway...These are just MY THOUGHTS and they directly pertain to this thread and answering...


Anyway, sorry for waffle...Basically all those negative thoughts have stemmed completely from GEORGE BUSH. He is on the news network channels all the time, virtually a day doesn't go by without some story on his...



Extreme stupidity...


Its all veiled as a news story but that is basically what its trying to show, and that is what nearly EVERYONE thinks


I'm telling you straight, as soon as Obama gets his foot in the door, hostility towards the US will drop to levels that would be impossible right now...AND IT WILL HAVE AN EFFECT ON SALES OF THE XBOX 360!!!!!!!!!!!

That the problem, The PS3 does come across very Japanese, and the 360 does come across very "American"...The design, the user interface, the types of game...


I'm serious, you will see a difference in sales when he gets in.