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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Could a Barack Obama victory in 2008 increase X360 sales in Others/Japan?

slimeattack said:
Will a McCain victory harm sales of 360 in Others/Japan?

You cant really "harm" Japanese sales at this point but it may put a further dent into EU sales once it becomes more apparent to the mainstream that he harbors just as hardcore Christian views as Bush did and that his policies and ideas are almost identical.


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NiKKoM said:

Picard just beamed back for this thread...

He's been busy today


mrstickball said:
MontanaHatchet said:
mrstickball said:
How about if Obama gets elected it'll have a negative effect? His socialization of every facet of American life will kill the economy, and kill the US gaming industry...And eventually kill MS's video game systems.

Hows that for an answer?

I hope that was just a witty response. If that's not the case, we need to take this to Off Topic.


Half and half. Unless Obama sends this country into a tailspin (which I think would happen), or send it into some sort of golden age...He's not going to magically increase US presence abroad. The Xbox 360 sells well, or not so well due to it, in and of, itself. Not American politicians.


Well, if he does do enough (further) damage to the economy and the dollar, then the Xbox 360 can be bought at a pittance outside of the U.S. So Obama, in fact, might increase X360 sales in Others/Japan after all!


MrBubbles said:
mrstickball said:
How about if Obama gets elected it'll have a negative effect? His socialization of every facet of American life will kill the economy, and kill the US gaming industry...And eventually kill MS's video game systems.

Hows that for an answer?


you beat me to it :|



I'm sorry MrBubbles but after your obama is a gay/mudering/racist thread of a few months back, i'm gonna have to agree to disagree with you here

Hi, i'm solojohlo and i'm pretty fucking awesome

exindguy said:
DTG said:
Yes, I think it may increase Xbox sales slightly. Much of the MS's lack of success with the Xbox stems from being associated with America which is incredibly unpopular right now. I think though it will take more than him winning to increase sales signifficantly, several years of policy change will be necessary there/

Listen: we were unpopular before GWB (long, long, long before) and we'll be unpopular after any potential Obama presidency has run its course. Hell, we won't be liked (at least in the sense that the elites of other nations don't like us) until we're clearly no longer the most powerful/rich nation in the world--envy has that effect on people.


I've lived in Europe for quite a few years and America had quite a positive perception among Europeans during the Clinton era. Following The Iraq war however public opinion turned inflammatory and hateful and has stayed that way since. Power in itself doesn't create dislike -afterall the EU has a larger economy than the US itself. It is how you use that power.


You at large are correct, however I have spoken to quite a few Europeans who refrain from buying an Xbox because they believe it somehow imply their support or like of America. Most mainstream gamers have no idea what publisher is of what nationality either.

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"....and since obama is a muslim...." (and that's just the tip of it)

How about you not comment on something you clearly have no clue about.

Unless of course that thread was a massive joke that went way over my head.

DTG said:
exindguy said:
DTG said:
Yes, I think it may increase Xbox sales slightly. Much of the MS's lack of success with the Xbox stems from being associated with America which is incredibly unpopular right now. I think though it will take more than him winning to increase sales signifficantly, several years of policy change will be necessary there/

Listen: we were unpopular before GWB (long, long, long before) and we'll be unpopular after any potential Obama presidency has run its course. Hell, we won't be liked (at least in the sense that the elites of other nations don't like us) until we're clearly no longer the most powerful/rich nation in the world--envy has that effect on people.


I've lived in Europe for quite a few years and America had quite a positive perception among Europeans during the Clinton era. Following The Iraq war however public opinion turned inflammatory and hateful and has stayed that way since. Power in itself doesn't create dislike -afterall the EU has a larger economy than the US itself. It is how you use that power.


You at large are correct, however I have spoken to quite a few Europeans who refrain from buying an Xbox because they believe it somehow imply their support or like of America. Most mainstream gamers have no idea what publisher is of what nationality either.

What?! Product nationality has really nothing to do with gaming or its sales. Game content, very much yes.


This thread... its stupidity just hurts... hurts my heart.


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-wrong thread-


What's the connection?

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