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Forums - Sony Discussion - arstechnica:Killzone 2 multiplayer combines TF2 with FFXI(impressions)

they have played the mulitplayer with Guerrilla behind the closed doors and here are their impressions:


"If there's one thing that there was a ton of at this year's E3, it was shooters. While most of them—specifically Gears of War 2, Resistance 2, SOCOM, and even the single-player of Killzone 2—felt improved but familiar (and in a sense less exciting), the multiplayer of Killzone 2 was incredibly surprising. Though it wasn't playable on the floor, I had a chance to sit in with Sony and Guerrilla in a closed-door preview of the multiplayer side of the game and what I saw impressed me."



They also thought the game was generic at first but when Guerrilla started explaiing Multiplayer,this is what they said:

"Despite the few little differences announced early in the presentation, there was a certain feeling in the room that was somewhat "been there, done that" about the whole thing. Once the devs started talking about the game's class system, though, that changed. Surprisingly, Killzone 2 has managed to innovate in a way that I think is genuinely unique: the game meshes the awesome archetypal job class structure of Team Fortress 2 with the ability to equip a sub-job like in Final Fantasy XI."


final word:

"I walked into my Killzone 2 meeting skeptical but walked out impressed. If Guerrilla can pull all of this off with the same, uncompromising graphics engine from the single-player experience—something the company made explicitly clear that it was doing—then the PlayStation 3 may just have its be-all, end-all multiplayer shooter for 2009."





Around the Network

Is it not ArtTechnica that bashed KZ2 just fews days ago ???

Time to Work !

libellule said:
Is it not ArtTechnica that bashed KZ2 just fews days ago ???


that's what I was thinking,,,,i m not sure,,,,,I think they thought it was generic but after the muliplayer they ahve changed their minds.





yup here is what they said after just playing single player few days ago:

"Killzone 2: presently polished, pretty, predictable"




""The single player experience of Killzone 2 is crucial to the overall experience: it's what drove so many people away from the original. With a much tighter engine, a more focused narrative, replayability-oriented goals like blasting propoganda-spewing radios hidden around the map, and a more challenging campaign, the single player side of Killzone 2 has great potential, but it needs to do something, anything, to break out of its somewhat generic, albeit disgustingly beautiful, tendencies. As for the mutliplayer side, we'll have more on that in the coming days.""

Time to Work !

Around the Network

Sounds very good, it seems as though this game is truly going to be great

finally something about gameplay ,,
all what we heard lately was abotu "graphics" =)

FF 11? don't they mean like... FF5?

Still sounds... kinda neat.  Depending how varied the classes are.

Munkeh111 said:
Sounds very good, it seems as though this game is truly going to be great


I really hope so,,,cause it looks great and gurrila has put too much effort in it to let it go to waste.




Kasz216 said:

FF 11? don't they mean like... FF5?

Still sounds... kinda neat.  Depending how varied the classes are.


Killzone 2 Badge System:

Rather than adhere to a rigid character class system, Killzone 2’s online mode allows the player to mix abilities from different roles to better suit his / her preferred style of play. Abilities are represented by badges: the primary badge defines the main role of the player character, as well as its outward appearance, while the secondary badge serves as a complementary ability that enhances the main role.

Although their player characters look different, both Helghast and ISA factions have the same set of roles and badges to choose from. Here they are, from left to right:

The default multiplayer character is assigned when no primary badge is selected. A secondary badge may still be added. Riflemen can start with most weapons, except for the specialized ones.

Primary badge ability: Sets up an automated turret which targets the enemy.
Secondary badge ability: Repairs ammunition dispensers, mounted guns, and automated turrets.

Primary badge ability: Revives downed team mates.
Secondary badge ability: Throws a health pack, which can be picked up by other players.

Primary badge ability: Uses a cloaking suit to become near-invisible.
Secondary badge ability: Tags all on-screen enemy players with a hidden marker, which broadcasts their coordinates to team mates.

Primary badge ability: Dons heavy armour twice as strong as normal.
Secondary badge ability: Temporarily boosts running speed.

Primary badge ability: Throws a coloured smoke grenade, which serves as a spawn point.
Secondary badge ability: Requests air support from a sentry bot which targets the enemy.

Primary badge ability: Assumes the disguise of a randomly selected enemy player.
Secondary badge ability: Throws a sticky, proximity-activated C-4 charge.

Basically, you can mix and match primary and secondary batches.