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Forums - Sony Discussion - How are you feeling about Killzone 2?

HappyNoodle said:

The very cool first person cover system. What's so cool about it?
The graphics that are an entire generation ahead of outdated games running on the tired old UE3 engine. No.  I agree the game looks fantastic but it doesn't make other games look outdated.
The unbelievable level of destructibility Nothing new here
The awesome character designs for the various classes you mean guys in masks?  Again, it's better than a lot of the FPS games out there but it isn't anything special.
The amazing animation, ragdoll, character interaction. Agreed, top notch job there
The unbelievably good gun rendering and action Again, the game does look great.
The splatter and pooling blood. Nothing special here
32 player dedicated servers for lagfree online play I'll believe it when I see it
The custom badge/class system Nothing special here
The absolutely kick ass valor points clan betting system for online matches I don't know what this is but it just sounds like a fancy way of saying ranking system



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I'm pretty sure KZ2 will live to it's hype

Guerilla could finally show the good devs they are (when properly incomed :P)

My 3rd most anticipated game this gen for now(after FFXIII and GoW3). =)


Every 5 seconds on earth one child dies from hunger...

2009.04.30 - PS3 will OUTSELL x360 atleast by the middle of 2010. Japan+Europe > NA.

Gran Turismo 3 - 1,06 mln. in 3 weeks with around 4 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Gran Turismo 4 - 1,16 mln. with 18 mln. PS2 on the launch.

Final Fantasy X - around 2 mln. with 5 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Final Fantasy X-2 - 2.4 mln. with 12 mln. PS2 on the launch.


1.8 mln. PS3 today(2008.01.17) in Japan. Now(2009.04.30) 3.16 mln. PS3 were sold in Japan.
PS3 will reach 4 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 25k.

PS3 may reach 5 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 50k.
PS2 2001 vs PS3 2008 sales numbers =) + New games released in Japan by 2009 that passed 100k so far

Twestern said:

The very cool first person cover system. What's so cool about it?

I don't know for certain, but it's probably the first completely first person cover system, which is pretty cool as long as it functions well.

The awesome character designs for the various classes you mean guys in masks? Again, it's better than a lot of the FPS games out there but it isn't anything special.

Different things are going to appeal to different people, otherwise I'd be swooning everytime I saw a Spartan in Halo since they wear masks. (not that I'm swooning for Hellghast, but I do think they look like an interesting enemy.... Now the combine in Half-Life 2 )

32 player dedicated servers for lagfree online play I'll believe it when I see it

True, but as Warhawk and Resistance show, it's possible.

The absolutely kick ass valor points clan betting system for online matches I don't know what this is but it just sounds like a fancy way of saying ranking system

I believe the valor points are the e-penis of clans (along with stats of course). You get them when you make a clan and then you wager points with another clan when you have a clan match with the winner also winning the valor points. I don't know if there are other uses though.



twesterm said:
Munkeh111 said:
twesterm said:
The graphics and animations look spectacular but I still have no reason to believe the game is going to be anything beyond generic and done too many times before.

So you just assume that it is going to be average. Hands on impressions have been positive, and Sony had put a lot into the this title, and they will not let it go out if it is rubbish. Having played Killzone Liberation, I do trust Guerilla to make a great game, and I definitely think that they will come out trumps here


==> 2 points :

Basically Joystick is saying there are 2 problems with KZ2 :

- Story : because it is a demo so they are not able to really judge the game on this point

- Enemy avancement/IA sucks

You have to know Guerilla developper have just said that :


Yes, IA was toned down quite a lot. When putting games on pods it is more important for us to show as much of the game as possible, rather than making the life of the person playing it difficult. The demo was fairly tame.

Time to Work !

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twesterm said:
HappyNoodle said:

1-The very cool first person cover system. What's so cool about it?
2-The graphics that are an entire generation ahead of outdated games running on the tired old UE3 engine. No.  I agree the game looks fantastic but it doesn't make other games look outdated.
3-The unbelievable level of destructibility Nothing new here
4-The awesome character designs for the various classes you mean guys in masks?  Again, it's better than a lot of the FPS games out there but it isn't anything special.
5-The amazing animation, ragdoll, character interaction. Agreed, top notch job there
6-The unbelievably good gun rendering and action Again, the game does look great.
7-The splatter and pooling blood. Nothing special here
8-32 player dedicated servers for lagfree online play I'll believe it when I see it
9-The custom badge/class system Nothing special here
10-The absolutely kick ass valor points clan betting system for online matches I don't know what this is but it just sounds like a fancy way of saying ranking system

1) The fact that its a First person cover system, the cover system works perfect aswell.
4) There are atleast 14 different character models for online play, and each one looks different and has a specific look.  TF2 has around half that.
7) Have you seen the blood splatter and how it pools. No game has anything that looks as good.
8) I don't understand how you can doubt it, RFoM does it with 40 players and R2 does it with 60 players. Warhawk does it with 32 players or whatever it is on massive maps.  Sony's flagship FPS will have lag free 32 player matches.

9)   This sounds really good.

• 'Badges' (means tweakable TF like classes. Basically you can mix two classes of your choice or keep one singular focused one. Primary & Secondary skills.)

The default multiplayer character is assigned when no primary badge is selected. A secondary badge may still be added. Riflemen can start with most weapons, except for the specialized ones.

Primary badge ability: Sets up an automated turret which targets the enemy.
Secondary badge ability: Repairs ammunition dispensers, mounted guns, and automated turrets.

Primary badge ability: Revives downed team mates.
Secondary badge ability: Throws a health pack, which can be picked up by other players.

Primary badge ability: Uses a cloaking suit to become near-invisible.
Secondary badge ability: Tags all on-screen enemy players with a hidden marker, which broadcasts their coordinates to team mates.

Primary badge ability: Dons heavy armour twice as strong as normal.
Secondary badge ability: Temporarily boosts running speed.

Primary badge ability: Throws a coloured smoke grenade, which serves as a spawn point.
Secondary badge ability: Requests air support from a sentry bot which targets the enemy.

Primary badge ability: Assumes the disguise of a randomly selected enemy player.
Secondary badge ability: Throws a sticky, proximity-activated C-4 charge.  

10) • Clan Valor points (clans (64players max) bet against each other before a match, winners take all. New clan starts with 100 points)  


The original CGI trailer piqued my curiosity, but when I found out it was fake, I said meh. I knew the first was mediocre, and figured the sequel wouldn't fair much better.

However, when Sony announced that they had bought Guerrilla Games in 2006, and when we later found out that they were pumping tons of resources into the project, my hype started grow a little. The first Killzone had a lot of potential, but a plethora of problems nearly killed the game in many areas. The backing of Sony made me believe that Guerrilla might finally be able to unleash that potential and create the game they had originally tried to create.

Once the game was officially unveiled, my hype rose even higher, because I felt that they were finally achieving their dream. The recent hands-on impressions and the multiplayer info have increased my hype eve more, and as a result this game is now one of my most anticipated releases.

I am really excited about this game. :D

How do I feel...I pre-ordered it, and after seeing the E3 vids of it, one of my xbox owning friends pre-ordered it......most impressive game of E3 imo.


PSN: TheGodofWine (Warhawk / R2 / MotorStorm PR)


PSN: Skigazzi (for KZ2 and future games)

it looks amazing



Very interested for reasons mostly explained in this thread.
I love the first person cover system idea, interestingly I was discussing with a friend a few weeks before last years e3 when they showed it off that I wanted a cover system that "puts" you actually in cover.

Only difference was I said I'd like it to stick to your view, so rather than stare at a wall or whatnot you actually flip round and face away as if your back was against the wall. Still, it's looking great.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey.