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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What good has come out of this generation of consoles?

We talk about everything the console vendors are doing wrong around here a lot...  But what do you think each one is doing right?  And please avoid the flame baits...

For me (One from each vendor to keep it neutral):

Sony:  Blu-Ray.  Like it or love it, the PS3 has it and movies in HD look great.  The storage capabilities make blu-ray a vehicle for more gaming on a single disc.  Blu-ray will probably be standard in all the next generation of consoles.

Microsoft:  Achievements gives you a reason to play games that are less then AAA and give them more of a chance (More often then not, I have found this to be good).  For AAA games, it adds to the experience to know you've gotten the achievements and be able to see it in your gamertag on the net to prove you actually did it.

Wii:  From the WiiMote to WiiFit and WiiMusic, Nintendo keeps coming out with more ideas on new gaming experiences that get more people involved in gaming.

In the end a lot of good has come from this generation of gaming...  What did you like so far?

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Basicly the best thing that has come out of this generation is the fact that we can now see that gaming can and should move into more then one direction.

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->


Live chatting with friends is also going to be universal now, which is amazing. Knowing you're playing against/with people from different regions in the world just makes the experience a lot more enriching.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

Achievements.......what have we become :(.

Sony: They definitely thought ahead when building their system. Even if the price point was terribly off-putting at first, and even though they seemed to sacrifice the game library early on, I think it's a big advantage for them later on. Plus they're putting an awful lot of effort into first party games, which is a very good thing. +2 for Sony!

Microsoft: Diversified their line-up a lot, shedding the Shooterbox label completely (only the most obtuse can ignore this), and has been leading the way in online gaming. They've also helped push digital distribution a lot- I'm just glad they finally got their DRM somewhat sorted.

Nintendo: New ideas that make the hardcore shake their heads and make tons of money for the Big N. It's fascinating to watch, and the DS is hands down my favorite of the current systems. Destroying the industry with their fun, LOL...

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I'd say all three have brought about an incredible amount of creativity with developers. The Wii had a new control scheme and cheaper development costs than the other consoles, allowing small developers to make creative, fun games that often see success. The 360 has XBLA, which has allowed games to be made for very cheap, and if the game is good, it's possible for it to make millions of dollars with a small development cost. And the PS3 is about to bring LittleBigPlanet, which could very well be one of the best games this generation. Besides that, the PSN allows developers big and small to make money on low budget games.

Not only that, but all three consoles have brought a massive variety of quality games in a short amount of time. Easily the best generation yet.



At a much higher level, 3 successful consoles have brought about increased innovation, competition, and some of the best games the industry has ever seen... Competition is pushing more and more features into cheaper and cheaper boxes. I hope all three stay viable as it is a great thing for us consumers.

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.

The Wii, Dead Rising, and Gears of War

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

I would say the Wiimote, and online content such as Demos, and digitally distributed indie games.

The big argument (by Nintendo fans, mostly) is that development is atrocious this gen on the "big HD systems". Thing is, I don't see games like Super Stardust HD, or Penny Arcade Adventures costing more money than what Lost Winds is on WiiWare.

We've seen closing in on 75-odd developers on XBLA, and the majority of them are no-name indie developers - Ninja Bee, Wankano, Zen, Load Inc, MetaNet, Void Star - Some of those development groups have fewer employees than mid-tier companies in the 80's. Yet their games have made them millions of dollars.

So again, WiiMote is very very important (Nintendo wouldn't be on top if it wasnt for that), but I think, going forward, digitally distributed VC and new titles are going to be the hidden thing that we're going to look back, and remember parts of the generation for.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

So far only Metal Gear Solid 4.