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Forums - Gaming Discussion - what do you like the most,console gaming,hand held gaming or pc gaming?

for me it goes like this

1)console gaming

2)pc gaming

3)hand held gaming

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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1. Console Gaming - At Least Twice A Day
2. PC Gaming - At least once a day
3. HandHeld Gaming - Holidays Only
4. Mobile Gaming - Almost Never

It's more the games than the medium that matters but imo:

Hand held

If I didn't have a PC then hand held gaming would be last.

^hmm i should of also added mobile gamig in the topic,too bad i cant edit it

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

PC gaming first then console gaming then DS, although console gaming is getting dumber by the year, PC to a lesser extent.

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also a reason why i chose console gaming is cause all 3 consoles combined have better games then pc otherwise i would have gone with pc

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

1)Console Gaming - 90%

2)PC Gaming - 10%

3)Hand Held Gaming - only had a gameboy way back in the day

To me it's consoles. My eyes don't permit me to play alot of handheld so i only play the games i REALLY want to play like Zelda, Metroid and Castlevania.
There is to much hassle with PC-gaming, i like plug and play. I'm not geek enough to care about buying more RAM, new CPU's and graphic-cards

^thats the only problem with pc gaming you have to upgrade the graphics card every 2 years,but other then that it rocks

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

1)handheld gaming 51%

2)console gaming 49%

3)pc gaming never