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Forums - Sales Discussion - Do you expect the 360 to achieve at least 40 million WW sales?

Sorry, but the ps3 is much better value with a BLU RAY player, the future of format. Unless xbox 360 gets a blu ray player, it will start losing ground to the ps3 big time. Eventually, it will be between the wii for casul gamers and ps3 for serious gamers. The xbox 360 will die out.

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I expect it to sell at least 45M anything else would be strange to me.

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i belive it should barring somesort of catastrophy, i feel 60-65 if the gen last to 2012 and then up to 80 if it last till 2015 when i feel a refresh would be justifyed as i have said in many posts about the life span this should be a longer gen, more depedence on software sales and no one is etting truly shlacked in software sales

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog


to those of you who feel the blue ray player is the deciding issue two things have to happen and one can not happen.

first they have to drop disk price by 10 to 15 dollars to compete with dvd

second the must stop releaseing new content on both dvd, and blueray.

otherwise the masses will not move.

what can not happen, is there must not be a transition to a downlaod service at reasonable hardware , and content price that allows people to own, or rent if they like, this is what is happening in music and should happen in dvd land, thus killing off physical sales for the majority.

what is keeping downloads from happening, is simply fear, fear of the movie studios lossing control like the music industry to itunes fear by consumers of what will happen if hds fail, and fear by isps that they will lose money tring to keep opening up more bandwidth.

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

around 30-40 million. Every year sales just kept going down. though they 360 didnt have a major price cut. Though price cuts i think will only have a huge effect in America only. Europe and Japan just doesn't like 360 for some reason.
ps3 will sell around 80 million by 2011. playstation fanbase is big enough to do that.

PSN: OJ_juice

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I'd say the 360 will end up around 40-45 million LTD in the end.

40 million is a given imho. Even 50 million is possible, depending on how long it is supported.

If you consider till the end of the generation, and if Microsoft won´t pull support for it as quickly as it did with the Xbox, then yes.

around 40 is possible.

but i expect lifetime ps3 will get the upper hand by 3-5 millions when everything is said and done.

i think the wii its going to have the hard time in the future to maintain its leader ship
of everybody is sick of brawl and wii fit.

There is the comparison of the 360 and the xb from launch each. Notice how the 360 is doing better with a worse launch. However that being said I don't think it will reach 40 mil but it's too soon 2 tell there are still another 8 years in this gen for the 360 and with E3 around the corner who knows.\

If PS3 by some miracle made a PS3 slim and lowered it down to 299 they would win the console wars so easly and all hope for the 360 would be lost.