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to those of you who feel the blue ray player is the deciding issue two things have to happen and one can not happen.

first they have to drop disk price by 10 to 15 dollars to compete with dvd

second the must stop releaseing new content on both dvd, and blueray.

otherwise the masses will not move.

what can not happen, is there must not be a transition to a downlaod service at reasonable hardware , and content price that allows people to own, or rent if they like, this is what is happening in music and should happen in dvd land, thus killing off physical sales for the majority.

what is keeping downloads from happening, is simply fear, fear of the movie studios lossing control like the music industry to itunes fear by consumers of what will happen if hds fail, and fear by isps that they will lose money tring to keep opening up more bandwidth.

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog