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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Article: Hating on the casuals

Oh lord.
More of this shit.
The sad thing is that these seemingly perplexed hardcore gamers wouldn't be so confused if they actually took the time to properly analyze Nintendo instead of skimming through their articles looking to pick out stuff to bash without any clue as to why Nintendo is doing it in the first place.
But yeah,fuck the stupid "casuals".
The reality is that the"casual" (i.e. stupid) mainstream gamers are smarter than the hardcores.If only they were smart enough to realize this.

Disney will make KH3 with Nintendo.Yes,KH3 will be a Disney/Nintendo crossover.

Save the industry,Kill a Hardcore gamer

Stopped buying Ubisoft games.Will not buy Red Steel 2.Let them struggle on HD. Click here for a solution:CLICK
ALERT: I have also exposed a UBI'Z'OFT viral marketer in THIS thread.Read my posts, see the set up and watch how everything crumbles on page 8. Please learn from this experience.

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Pristine20 said:

So pet catz and hungry lions is your choice for new IPs. Have fun playing!


Struck a nerve, did I? You want a band-aid for that?


I just bought Peggle Deluxe and tonight I'm NOT playing DOD: Source or COD4... ZOMG I bought what I should HATE!

the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

exindguy said:
noname2200 said:
RolStoppable said:
Desroko said:
NJ5 said:

The problem this generation is that the hardcore gamers feel to be drastically outnumbered. In previous generations a lot of gamers were sharing their love for a particular console, although it wasn't for exactly the same reasons. Then along comes the Wii and suddenly a shift occurs which is apparently hard to understand for a lot of hardcore gamers.

They try to explain it with "most Wii owners are new to gaming" and hope that 100m PS2/Xbox owners are still sitting there only waiting for the PS3/360 to come down in price before they upgrade. But in reality, the core gamers are migrating to the Wii because they see great value and potential for new gaming experiences on Nintendo's system.

Even that is hard to understand for most hardcore gamers though. From their point of view new gaming experiences mean better graphics, better AI and more realism. They are really bitter about the Wii's success because it goes against their world view.


I agree with most of this, but I think the root of the matter is that the snobcore are smart enough to realize what's happening: daddy's got a new kid, so the they're no longer gaming's only little princess.

That sound harsher than I intended, but I think it holds true nonetheless. They've said it outright themselves several times: they have a problem with casual gaming because they fear more and more developers will start making games that appeal to people beyond their narrow niche. The fact that the current arms race is unsustainable, and that it's driving the same developers they count on out of business doesn't mean squat to them.  Your last paragraph in particular nailed that.

So no, I actually think that the snobcore understand what's going on perfectly fine. And that's why they're afraid.

This is a very good post, primarily for the bolded sentence as well as the term "snobcore" which I've never encountered before (your invention, or...?)

The fact is, these guys aren't hardcore, at least not in the way that I or anyone that played games before the advent of the PS One really understood the term. They like a very narrow group of IPs, genres, or templates and anything that falls outside of them is viewed with effete disdain. Gaming isn't a hobby to these guys--it's who they are. And when I read screeds like this all I get from it is that it's also a quasi-religious faith; that they are the priests that decide what is holy and what is heretical.

And, to them, nothing is more heretical than 'casual' games or the people that play them. Therefore, for the good of the flock, they must be cast into hellfire to safeguard the purity of the faith. The bitter irony (for them, if they could see how foolish they sound), of course, is that the casual gamers  have no idea fools like this exist and would probably be pretty amazed to read such vitriol coming down from the pulpit of the angry arch-nerd, venting his impotent fury at a blindly-supportive audience.

But what makes me most upset about idiotic screeds like this is simply that they find the time to get worked up about franchises and genres that are in no danger at all of not seeing yet another sequel, spin-off, or remake. There will always be another Metal Gear or Final Fantasy or Gears of War (or some other title that fits that template) coming down the line and in large numbers. These games, like the dread scourge mini-game compilation, make money so there will always be more. How you could sit down and type something like this up, with the snobcore gamer as the central victim in some epic pity play, when literally all of the evidence flies in the face of your table-banging, red-faced screeching beggars the abyssal depths of logic and imagination.

Lastly, let me just throw my two cents in on what I think, classicly, a hardcore gamer is:

You're open to playing games regardless of:

*Graphical or aural presentation.

*Apparent age suitability.

*Lack or thinness of storyline.

*Difficulty level.

*Platform the game is on, be it portable, console, or PC (and drilling down to, say, Wii, 360 or PS3).

*Territory in which it originated.

There's more, but I think that's a reasonable start to what it actually means to be "hardcore" (at least in my eyes) and why a snobcore gamer can't possibly be hardcore, at least in regards to the screed featured in the OP.

Note: I also want to stress that what a lot of these people consider "awesome" in games would be laughed out of the building in literature, movies, etc.

With your definition, I'm still a hardcore gamer. The next game on my "to finish" list is "legend of Dragoon". Thats an old game with bad graphics but its very enjoyable indeed. I won't even mind ps3 games that look like that as long as they don't cost $60.Its a lot different from reducing the gaming industry to babiez and iguanas, cat and mouse and whatever other repulsion that emits from "EA Casual" and the likes of it.

Games are games, movies are movies. Each has its own place. Its like comparing different music genres. Rock fans would criticize hip-hops repetitive beats and claim that it isn't music while hip hop fans could criticize the genericness of most rock bands.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Somebody make this guy an Imagine: Hardcorez picture to shut his dumbass up.

Around the Network
exindguy said:
Pristine20 said:
What nerve

So pet catz and hungry lions is your choice for new IPs. Have fun playing!


Struck a nerve, did I? You want a band-aid for that?


My joke respose is what you consider nerve-struck?


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

The ironic part of this article is that the author was probably one of the "front line soldiers" waving the Sony flag for the PS2 and rubbing it in everyone else's face. He likely just doesn't like to be on the receiving end of that taunt. Life sucks, get a helmet, pal.

As he rants about being tired of being "looked down upon", I am tired of the whining. Shut up and be a man about it or get off of my planet. Stop being an emo little girl because Joe Casual is enjoying his Wii. If you're a hardcore gamer, wtf are you doing writing this big estrogenic article? Surely there's a game you should be playing, not even noticing what Wii sales are doing or knowing what a casual game IS.

You know what the problem is? The author ISN'T a hardcore gamer, he's just posing as one. This industry doesn't need posers. Knock it off. Save the industry, kill a fanboy.

RolStoppable said:
exindguy said:

Lastly, let me just throw my two cents in on what I think, classicly, a hardcore gamer is:

You're open to playing games regardless of:

*Graphical or aural presentation.

*Apparent age suitability.

*Lack or thinness of storyline.

*Difficulty level.

*Platform the game is on, be it portable, console, or PC (and drilling down to, say, Wii, 360 or PS3).

*Territory in which it originated.

There's more, but I think that's a reasonable start to what it actually means to be "hardcore" (at least in my eyes) and why a snobcore gamer can't possibly be hardcore, at least in regards to the screed featured in the OP.

Note: I also want to stress that what a lot of these people consider "awesome" in games would be laughed out of the building in literature, movies, etc.

Yup, that's pretty much what hardcore used to mean back in the day, but the snobcore claimed that term to be theirs. Ever since I realized that I don't call myself a hardcore gamer anymore.


You want irrefutable proof that destructoid is just full of shit?

How can a hardcore gamer neglet Fire Emblem (it seems like she didn`t make it past the chapter 1). Even worse how can they fail to kill the werewolf boss in Castlevania for PSP. The game is harder than the average game but not that hard.


Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

Funny especially when still 70%-80% of all games created by dev are for the "core" gamer. Haha they should love the casual games, as they are used to fund the outrageous costs to make and develop those games he takes for granted. I don't mind rants and blatant rage, but what I won't accept is ignorance to the situation, and this guy needs to learn just a little more about the industry before he gives himself a heart attack at a young age over nothing.

Pristine20 said:
exindguy said:
Pristine20 said:
What nerve

So pet catz and hungry lions is your choice for new IPs. Have fun playing!


Struck a nerve, did I? You want a band-aid for that?


My joke respose is what you consider nerve-struck?


I was having some trouble understanding the context in light of two posts in rapid succession--good thing you told me ;)