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The ironic part of this article is that the author was probably one of the "front line soldiers" waving the Sony flag for the PS2 and rubbing it in everyone else's face. He likely just doesn't like to be on the receiving end of that taunt. Life sucks, get a helmet, pal.

As he rants about being tired of being "looked down upon", I am tired of the whining. Shut up and be a man about it or get off of my planet. Stop being an emo little girl because Joe Casual is enjoying his Wii. If you're a hardcore gamer, wtf are you doing writing this big estrogenic article? Surely there's a game you should be playing, not even noticing what Wii sales are doing or knowing what a casual game IS.

You know what the problem is? The author ISN'T a hardcore gamer, he's just posing as one. This industry doesn't need posers. Knock it off. Save the industry, kill a fanboy.