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Forums - Sales Discussion - Most pathetic sales predictions you have heard?

The 60 million units for the Wii by end of 2008 John Lucas prediction sticks out most in my mind as the most absurd prediction.

It will most likely go on to be the least accurate prediction for the Wii on this site, even less than the equally absurd 30 million units sold considering the final tally will be under 45 million (closer to 43m), with a 2.4m/month production rate.

Predictions explaining inflated numbers by claiming production will be increased to 3m/month in 2008 also get a booby prize.

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Sky Render said:
To illustrate why the All vs. by-region comparison for PS2 vs. PS3 is skewed:

The only region where the PS3 is even coming close to tracking equally to the PS2 is in Europe. And it's still a million behind par.


The only thing that really matter going forward, is the slop of the line. As long as they are selling the same amount each week as they did with the PS2, they will sell huge amounts. Aside from Japan, that's happening how.

Again, I don't think it will reach PS2 numbers (or even break 100m), but if it did, I would not be shocked.

A prediction of an up to 3m/mo for the Wii is not an outlandish one, greenmedic. The Wii has experienced a 600,000 unit production hike at almost perfect 6-month intervals three times now (April 2007 to 1.2m, October 2007 to 1.8m, April 2008 to 2.4m).

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Look at SpeedBreakers' sig to find the correct answer.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

How do I create a Sig and save it?

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Sky Render said:
Ah, so he did. Back in May of 2007, when the PS3 was looking like it would limp out of existence due to continually abysmal and dropping sales (even the GBA was outselling it on a regular basis around that time). It was a bad call, but unlike most authentically pathetic predictions, it had some basis in reality. A flawed basis, to be certain, but a basis just the same.


It really was a truly pathethic predition, just like his "MGS4 will not go to PS3". Yes the ps3 was selling bad but to say it'll simply die that quickly (with the HD format war still in the air) while only out for a few months is jumping to conclusions.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

greenmedic88 said:
The 60 million units for the Wii by end of 2008 John Lucas prediction sticks out most in my mind as the most absurd prediction.

It will most likely go on to be the least accurate prediction for the Wii on this site, even less than the equally absurd 30 million units sold considering the final tally will be under 45 million (closer to 43m), with a 2.4m/month production rate.

Predictions explaining inflated numbers by claiming production will be increased to 3m/month in 2008 also get a booby prize.


JL's prediction was absurd I agree as I already mentioned it, but it will definitely not go on to be the least accurate prediction, not even close. 

Part of the problem with JL predictions (other than the fact that many of them like the MGS4 not coming to PS3 have been horrendously wrong) is that he likes to go over the top and announces his predictions to the masses which sets himself up to be remembered when he is horribly wrong.  For every JL prediction there are several other much worse predictions that are just placed in sigs without fanfare or posted in some random thread and forgotten so nobody gets called out on them.

Heck JL's prediction won't be the most inaccurate optimistic Wii prediction as AT's Wii will outsell the PS family still holds that crown.  And honorable mention goes to Sqrl's "SMG outselling SMB" which for some time he boasted of in his sig as the most outlandish prediction.

Sky Render said:
A prediction of an up to 3m/mo for the Wii is not an outlandish one, greenmedic. The Wii has experienced a 600,000 unit production hike at almost perfect 6-month intervals three times now (April 2007 to 1.2m, October 2007 to 1.8m, April 2008 to 2.4m).

Unless the 2.4m production rate effective July 2008 is supposed to overlap within the next 6 months, an increase in production rate to 3m in 2008 is very outlandish.

Even going by a purely linear prediction that production rates will be increased every 6 months by 600k infinitely (obviously not possible), or for the remainder of the total production run for the Wii (also not possible), the next increase in production won't happen until Jan 2009 at the earliest.

Now if you want to start making predictions that production will be increased in 3 months by another 600k in time to make a difference for the holiday season, by all means, put it in your sig now and people will think you're the current John Lucas when it happens.


The worst?
The Wii being Nintendo's last console.

azrm2k said:
greenmedic88 said:
The 60 million units for the Wii by end of 2008 John Lucas prediction sticks out most in my mind as the most absurd prediction.

It will most likely go on to be the least accurate prediction for the Wii on this site, even less than the equally absurd 30 million units sold considering the final tally will be under 45 million (closer to 43m), with a 2.4m/month production rate.

Predictions explaining inflated numbers by claiming production will be increased to 3m/month in 2008 also get a booby prize.


JL's prediction was absurd I agree as I already mentioned it, but it will definitely not go on to be the least accurate prediction, not even close. 

Part of the problem with JL predictions (other than the fact that many of them like the MGS4 not coming to PS3 have been horrendously wrong) is that he likes to go over the top and announces his predictions to the masses which sets himself up to be remembered when he is horribly wrong.  For every JL prediction there are several other much worse predictions that are just placed in sigs without fanfare or posted in some random thread and forgotten so nobody gets called out on them.

Heck JL's prediction won't be the most inaccurate optimistic Wii prediction as AT's Wii will outsell the PS family still holds that crown.  And honorable mention goes to Sqrl's "SMG outselling SMB" which for some time he boasted of in his sig as the most outlandish prediction.

By least accurate, I don't mean the least accurate JL prediction, I mean the least accurate prediction period out of everyone who has posted a prediction for Wii sales by the end of 2008.

Unless someone predicts a higher number than 60m, or a lower number than 30m, presumably because they're under the impression that production of the Wii will simply be STOPPED completely when it hits 30m within the next two months, then 60m stands to be the least accurate prediction for the Wii in 2008.