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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is sony ever going to match MS software wise this generation.?

I know Sony has made great progress on PS3 software side and with firmware 2.40 they for a moment finally manage to catch MS and then Home is coming up... but now MS has this fantastic 3D Dashboard coming up and they will again be ahead of Sony...

Secondly MS started a yr early with a solid software base on XBOX360 and then we need to remember that MS is basically a software company... as MS cannot be as competent as Sony on hardware side i see it next to impossible for Sony to be as good as MS on software side... MS have abundance of software resources, very strong libraries so i atleast do not see Sony catching MS on software side in this generation atleast...


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Basically, any software predictions for consoles really DEPENDS on hardware sales.

With hardware sales, there is no reason to invest on the software side.

So by definition, you are implying that X360 will continue to have a lead in total hardware sales.

Because most likely if PS3 has 100 million consoles, vs X360 @ 40 million consoles, the PS3 will have better "software" in this scenario.

In a word, no. But it depends on a couple of factors.

1. How well will each console sell in the future.

2. Can Sony(GT5 LBP FF13) get its big releases out any time soon

I do not think it will happen but if Sony gets its games in order and release them you never know.



Nevermind, wrong thread.

Noobie said:

Secondly MS started a yr early with a solid software base on XBOX360 and then we need to remember that MS is basically a software company... as MS cannot be as competent as Sony on hardware side i see it next to impossible for Sony to be as good as MS on software side... MS have abundance of software resources, very strong libraries so i atleast do not see Sony catching MS on software side in this generation atleast...



Well, depends on what you mean. As for quality of software written as 1st party games, Sony is light years ahead of MS now. Where MS wins is software volume.

Every top MS game other then Halo, is not written by MS, so there expertise has little to do with titles themselves. Where it does matter, is in development tools. MS offers a lot more convenient tools then Sony. MS also does a better job with there online stuff.

So I am not sure what you mean by catching up. If you mean multi-plat software being as good, it already is. If you mean quality of exclusives, it's already better. If you mean volume of available titles, that all depends on how many consoles of each are sold over the next 5 years.

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Maybe maybe not anything can happen


The question is too vague. Do you mean software sales? Quality? Quantity? A mix of the three?

I'll just answer the sales by saying yes I think Sony will start selling more software once it passes the 360 worldwide.

As far as quality and quantity of software, I don't think it'll ever happen. The 360 will always have the advantage of easy porting with PC games, and that trend is still continuing with Left 4 Dead and Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 not seeing the light of day on PS3. There are also games like APB, Champions Online, Age of Conan, Huxley, Supreme Commander, Splinter Cell Conviction, Universe At War, Velvet Assassin, Warhammer: Battle March, Dungeon Hero and Venetica, among others. This was also a trend from the original Xbox in comparison to the PS2.

All of the console third parties are almost entirely going multiplat so that's basically a wash.

Micosoft has bought so much Japanese support that Sony can't even match it even with multiple times more consoles sold in Japan. This could change in the future if Sony gets a real foothold in the market and can sell software in Japan, but for now Microsoft's money is talking to Namco, Square-Enix and Atlus. Even so, they'll always have Mistwalker support, who have delivered two RPGs already and are better at getting their games out than Square's been.

The only thing Sony has in it's arsenal it's it's superior first party against Microsoft's which could prove to be Microsoft's undoing if they don't improve their own. I do see Microsoft making strides in good first party support though. Halo Wars, Viva Pinata 2, Banjo-Kazooie 3, Forza 3(if rumors are true), Halo Chronicles, Fable 2, Kingdom Under Fire 2, etc. They have a long way to go to match Sony's first party though.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

I'd just like to note the large on-line advantage that Sony has: FREE

Sorry for being a bit vague.. by software quality i donot mean games at all.. i mean services like PSN and HOME and XMB on PS3 and Live and Dashboard and other stuff on XBOX 360...

Aren't software , GAMES?
