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Forums - Sony Discussion - 400 GB blu-ray disks.........maybe for games?


16-layers -- that's how many layers it takes to the hit the center of a 400GB Blu-ray disc, pops. That's 25GB per layer just like those dual-layer 50GB discs available for retail. Best of all, the technique used by Pioneer is expected to be backward compatible with existing Blu-ray gear since the specs and lenses required for pickup are identical. The prototype is read-only for the moment but R&D's on it so let's give them some time to work it out.

Update: Now that the English press release is out, it's less clear whether the new media -- whenever it might come to market -- will work in existing Blu-ray players or not. While "it is possible to maintain compatibility between the new 16-layer optical disc and the BD discs," players would seemingly require a modified optical pick-up mechanism to see the data. We'll learn more on July 13th when Pioneer discusses the breakthrough in detail.


Hmmmmmm any gaming benefits from this?

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I think they will use it in PS4 era.

I think 50 GB is enough for this gen.don't you think so?




SpartanFX said:
I think they will use it in PS4 era.

I think 50 GB is enough for this gen.don't you think so?


No idea what they might pull off or any ideas that might come about but yea prob no real use this gen.

400 gb thats alot, really think that games can be that big.


I can see Kojima's reaction now, "Meh, 400 GB is alright, but in order for me to truly bring out my vision of MGS5 I need at least 1 TB."


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um what kind of game would be on that? i mean thats a sic amount of space, you would need a lot of ram hd space and what not.. unless you got blueray speeds up to 48x, or maybe it can hold compolations or something... really i use final cut after, effects, premier, adobe cs suite, and store all that and most of my content for a few weeks work on a 500 gb hd

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

RDBRaptor said:
I can see Kojima's reaction now, "Meh, 400 GB is alright, but in order for me to truly bring out my vision of MGS5 I need at least 1 TB."






RDBRaptor said:
I can see Kojima's reaction now, "Meh, 400 GB is alright, but in order for me to truly bring out my vision of MGS5 I need at least 1 TB."



lol XD yeah... solid snakes final mission ... 2...

this time its even more final ! XD


or maybe.. Metal Gear Ninjaguy from mgs1 XD

Check out my game about moles ^

That's a lot for sure, you could get entire sitcoms on standard def on just one disc...

lightbleeder said:
That's a lot for sure, you could get entire sitcoms on standard def on just one disc...


That would be handy. All episodes off friends on just one disc, so I only have to trash one disc off that generic show.

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