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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 64% of ppl give up on Wii Fit

If new owners are the ones dropping the average of people actually using Wii Fit, then that's actually a lot worse as that would imply that people are buying it without the intention of even using Wii Fit at all (maybe waiting for real Balance Board games to be released).

I've used the program as much as anyone else (25 hours worth of credits) but I'm still not in a state of disbelief that the vast majority of owners just aren't using it or that they have stopped using it after a month or even less.

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25 hours worth of credits translates to about 60 hours worth of play time as recorded by the Wii. I'm pretty sure I'm in the extreme minority of users in this category.

HappySqurriel said:
CrazzyMan said:
Negative Wii news. =))


 I know, more people play Wii Fit on a daily basis than have bought the best selling PS3 game in Japan ... Awful news


That's impressive Happy, someone comes with a dildo jerkish statement, and you out dildo them.  I bow down to your mastery.


It's typical. If someone doesn't have anything constructive to say, but they still feel obligated to give their two cents, say something idiotic and inflammatory.

Happy's comment is a rather inciteful commentary on how much spin is being used on these numbers. 22% of players still playing your game daily this long after launch is an extremely succesful game. How many games do you play daily for 6 months at a time?

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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Again, the poll does not reflect how long they have been using the product or when they bought it.

They could have had Wii Fit for two weeks or less and say they still use it every day which would be 100% true.

I'd like to see how many people who bought Wii Fit, present company included, will still be able to claim that they use Wii Fit on a daily basis, preferably for something other than just as a scale, in six months.

My guess will be not many.

I've lost interest in Wii Fit somewhat, but this is to be expected really. I've noticed that this argument is often leveled at casual titles like Wii Sport, Nintendogs, Brain Training etc, but you can say the same thing about hardcore games too. I get sick of all my games eventually, casual and hardcore alike.

why is it hard to believe for anyone? It's a piece of exercise equipment, I'm actually impressed with that number.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

That's totally reasonable, and to be expected. Nobody is actually under the false impression that they're going to be using their Wii and Wii Fit to exercise for the rest of their lives I hope.

But the point of Wii Fit was not so that users could lower their Wii Fit score to the minimum and then feel good about themselves (like Brain Age and the Brain Age score) and move on to something new. The point was to encourage game players to adopt a more healthy lifestyle from what they eat, awareness of their body (weight, balance, posture, etc.) to the amount of physical activity they do on a regular basis. Key words: regular basis.

If you stop using Wii Fit, and it was successful, it means you've moved on to sports or running or weight lifting or whatever more physical activity suits you.

If not and all your gaming time is again occupied by online Brawl and Kart matches, then you may have missed the point, or Wii Fit failed to have a lasting effect on you.

Torillian said:
HappySqurriel said:
CrazzyMan said:
Negative Wii news. =))


 I know, more people play Wii Fit on a daily basis than have bought the best selling PS3 game in Japan ... Awful news


That's impressive Happy, someone comes with a dildo jerkish statement, and you out dildo them.  I bow down to your mastery.


Thanks, I try to practice as much as possible ...

As I said earlier, I was trying to put CrazzyMan's statment into perspective in terms he would understand; making a comment using raw numbers doesn't work because all CrazzyMan understands is "PS3 = Good, XBox 360 = Bad, Wii = Worse" so if you show something he is bashing is better than the PS3 he has difficulty defending his position.

Now, to put this into perspective using numbers:

In a typical year in Japan there are only a handful (5 to 10) games that ever sell more than 500,000 units, which means there are few games that could have an active userbase over 500,000 6 months after it was released. When you combine this with the fact that most of these 500,000 selling games are not multiplayer games and have very limited replay value, which means that there are probably only a couple of games that have ever had this level of usage 6 months after release.

How can you claim something is "Negative Wii News" when it is demonstrating something that few (if any) games have ever accomplished before?