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That's totally reasonable, and to be expected. Nobody is actually under the false impression that they're going to be using their Wii and Wii Fit to exercise for the rest of their lives I hope.

But the point of Wii Fit was not so that users could lower their Wii Fit score to the minimum and then feel good about themselves (like Brain Age and the Brain Age score) and move on to something new. The point was to encourage game players to adopt a more healthy lifestyle from what they eat, awareness of their body (weight, balance, posture, etc.) to the amount of physical activity they do on a regular basis. Key words: regular basis.

If you stop using Wii Fit, and it was successful, it means you've moved on to sports or running or weight lifting or whatever more physical activity suits you.

If not and all your gaming time is again occupied by online Brawl and Kart matches, then you may have missed the point, or Wii Fit failed to have a lasting effect on you.