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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I dont think We'll see an Xbox 720 in 2010

If there was a new Xbox in 2010 I think it would be a disaster.

If it is only a small leap from 360 to keep price down it will not have enough appeal aside from Halo 4 to encourage all but the hardcore to shift console. Not a pretty picture for MS.

It if it is a big leap and too expensive (considering that it looks like the economy of most English speaking (and Xbox friendly) countries are going to be in the toilet until at least 2011 it will not sell at all well and they will only get the real hardcore crowd again (assuming they have enough money).

2012 is earliest, unless the global economy seriously shifts, that I would expect a new console to hit the market and have a real chance of selling very well.

I know I won't consider a new console until 2012 earliest no matter what. I'm not getting into shortening console cycles just to help MS try and get out of the trap they've got themselves in with their console's demographic limitations.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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Developers wouldn't like it
Consumers wouldn't trust it
Competitors would probably lauph at it

Reasonable said:
If there was a new Xbox in 2010 I think it would be a disaster.

If it is only a small leap from 360 to keep price down it will not have enough appeal aside from Halo 4 to encourage all but the hardcore to shift console. Not a pretty picture for MS.

It if it is a big leap and too expensive (considering that it looks like the economy of most English speaking (and Xbox friendly) countries are going to be in the toilet until at least 2011 it will not sell at all well and they will only get the real hardcore crowd again (assuming they have enough money).

2012 is earliest, unless the global economy seriously shifts, that I would expect a new console to hit the market and have a real chance of selling very well.

I know I won't consider a new console until 2012 earliest no matter what. I'm not getting into shortening console cycles just to help MS try and get out of the trap they've got themselves in with their console's demographic limitations.

I think it would be stupid to release any new console before 2012 (at least) as well. With oil prices going up and more focus on the environment, I think that the console makers have to focus on a console that is not necessarily a big step up in raw power, but a major step up in environmental and cost friendlyness.

Not only will it benefit the consumer with lower power consumption, but it would also benefit the manufacturers with consoles focusing on being price efficient, plus it would be great for the brand to be able to say: "It's more powerful then ever and more environment friendly then the last generation."

Reasonable said:
If there was a new Xbox in 2010 I think it would be a disaster.

If it is only a small leap from 360 to keep price down it will not have enough appeal aside from Halo 4 to encourage all but the hardcore to shift console. Not a pretty picture for MS.

It if it is a big leap and too expensive (considering that it looks like the economy of most English speaking (and Xbox friendly) countries are going to be in the toilet until at least 2011 it will not sell at all well and they will only get the real hardcore crowd again (assuming they have enough money).

2012 is earliest, unless the global economy seriously shifts, that I would expect a new console to hit the market and have a real chance of selling very well.

I know I won't consider a new console until 2012 earliest no matter what. I'm not getting into shortening console cycles just to help MS try and get out of the trap they've got themselves in with their console's demographic limitations.

Actually putting more memory and better video card into X360 would make it run games like crysis. And even more memory and it would run even better games, if theres same kind of memory architechture as in X360 now. I think theres going to be even less jobs for CPU in the future. For now video cards run even physics in games and do it much faster than CPU could ever do.

I am quite sure that MS won't go for heterogeneous systems like Sony has done.

However what I wish is that MS will copy nintendo and make Xii. Thats where the big money is. Time for big games is over. Games can go for better graphics, but it will make games shorter and more expensive. So would you like to have fun for 1h that costs $150? :)

You never know. =))
But, by 2010 x360 will be 5 years here, so...
Playstation consoles usually here for 6 year. =) Overall, it depends on how much PS3 will dominate over x360. =]

Every 5 seconds on earth one child dies from hunger...

2009.04.30 - PS3 will OUTSELL x360 atleast by the middle of 2010. Japan+Europe > NA.

Gran Turismo 3 - 1,06 mln. in 3 weeks with around 4 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Gran Turismo 4 - 1,16 mln. with 18 mln. PS2 on the launch.

Final Fantasy X - around 2 mln. with 5 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Final Fantasy X-2 - 2.4 mln. with 12 mln. PS2 on the launch.


1.8 mln. PS3 today(2008.01.17) in Japan. Now(2009.04.30) 3.16 mln. PS3 were sold in Japan.
PS3 will reach 4 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 25k.

PS3 may reach 5 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 50k.
PS2 2001 vs PS3 2008 sales numbers =) + New games released in Japan by 2009 that passed 100k so far

Around the Network
Million said:
Developers wouldn't like it
Consumers wouldn't trust it
Competitors would probably lauph at it


I think this would depend on how Microsoft handles it ...

Historically, introducing a new console is very disruptive and causes serious problems for the existing userbase of a console but I don't believe things have to continue this way. Hypothetically speaking, it should be possible for Microsoft to open up features of their next generation console to developers who are currently working on XBox 360 games which would give them the opportunity to target both platforms at the same time; essentially, it could be a flag which would let developers know that a game that ran at 720p @ 30fps would be run at 1080p @60fps with double the pixel shader processing power and double the processing power on the CPU.

This would benefit developers because they wouldn't have to stop developing PS3/XBox 360 games to target the new platform, and it would benefit consumers because both the XBox 360 and Microsoft's new platform would be receiving a steady stream of games.

I'm not sure if we will ever see a manufacturer attempt this, but I think it would be a good approach.


stil if the new one was good and fully bc they could do what sony are doing now and have the two systems selling together.

after all there are those who like to get the latest model and those who look at there budget.

That way you get both markets.





I fully agree with you dude. I don't see another generation of consoles hitting any market until late "2012 - late 2013"

4 ≈ One

I think MS will announce a new console at March / April 2011 and launch it September / October 2011. The 360 would be almost 6 years old. This is more than enough for a console. 5-6 years is perfect for a piece of hardware. But I bet the PS3 will not last for 10 years. If MS does like I predict and sony keeps its promise (would be the first one this generation) the next xbox (and likely the wii2, too.) would be released 5 years before the PS4. Sony would miss an entire Generation and the big brand "Playstation" would have been gone.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

Million said:
Developers wouldn't like it
Consumers wouldn't trust it
Competitors would probably lauph at it

Two of those don't seem to count anymore.