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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - A theory of why KH3 or FFVII remake will be on Wii

321tttrini4everz said:
FFVII remake on wii ?????? hahaha,you dreamt of that ???? lol
but are you serious ??????
i don't even think it is possible


did you even READ the topic title? it clearly states THEORY

it mean..hypotheticaly could be for the Wii...the chances are higher

by that I mean. Wii 50%chance, PS3 4%chance

it's not like it WILL be's just talking about ideas..and 'what if's


so...yes, the Wii has a bigger chance of getting these games if you use common knowledge and think.

if that will happen...well.. fe: the Wii is the best selling system and coul have been foreseen...yet nobody did anything

they were too blinded by fanboyism and scepticism.

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FF7 won't make money on PS3.................................................................. Ok.

In Japan they don't care where the next Final Fantasy game is. It could be on Sega CD and it would sell 5million copies easy.

"Following, this year, Microsoft is going to be putting much more effort into creating their 8th generation system scheduled for release in late '09 or at any rate no later than Holiday '10, and as more AAA titles show up for the PS3 that no one could ever even consider making on Wii as games like Uncharted and MGS 4 already are, the glaring discrepancies in quality that will appear to more and more people as time goes on will ensure that the Wii falls by the wayside. Unless, everybody that likes gaming is just an idiot that prefers cheap current gen knock-offs of last gen goods."

I bet you can't wait for the Xbox 720. Most 360 fans keep saying the same thing. Easier to just make up a console in your head then admit that not putting the HDDVD drive in the console was a biiig mistake.

Some possible but not valid answers to this:
"I don't care about HD movies I'd rather spend the money on my live subscription"
"I don't mind if the games come on 20 disks"
"Memory doesn't matter for games"
"I can download a Bluray quality movie on my computer only takes 2 and a half weeks"
"Forget bluray the super ultra disk will be coming out in 2030"
etc. etc.

Kasz216 said:
DMeisterJ said:
If anything, we can hope for FFVII to be ported onto the PSP or be put on PSN. That's where I'd put the most stock at for FFVII. I think FFVII could come to the PS3. I mean, if SE is putting XIII on the PS3, then they obviously can't be that worried about Japanese sales.

I disagree there... I mean they started FF13 back when they thought PS3 was going to be PS2 all over again.  That much can be shown by the fact that they actually could make the FF7 tech demo.

There is basically no way for them to back out of it.

Personally I think FF7 will be PS3 or nothing... which is why I think it will be nothing.

Yet if they did release FF7 this generation it would be wii.

Confusing sounding, I know.  However I think Square knows that FF7 really wouldn't hold up as a straight port, or even as a remake with graphics that weren't top of the line... since the cutscenes are what really wowed most people about 7.

In every other way it's just another Final Fantasy game but a little worse everywhere... furthermore since then FF has advanced it has moved into a new battle system which will make the FF7 battlesystem seem aged and annoying to the majority of the "casual" Final Fantasy RPG fans... aka the ones that basically just buy Final Fantasy.

So without the graphics... it seems like it'd hurt the brand.

However if they just say... screw the brand and want to make a quick buck, they can do a port for the Wii and maximize profit.

Should FF13 DRASTICALLY change things... maybe they'll do a FF7 remake.  I mean afterall they plan to make the FF13 brandname last for years through the various spinoffs.  After FF13V there really won't be anything they'll be working on Final Fantasy wise for the PS3... So i could see them doing that, assuming the PS3 picks up it's numbers a lot in Japan... Afterall the japanese fans are vital to them and they don't want to piss them off by putting the remake on a system that almost nobody in japan has.

I don't see another non MMO FF out till next generation when Square can put it on a system with at least equal graphics to the Ps3 and much better sales.

They could have just stopped development and switched over to the Wii.  I mean, Capcom did it.  And at TGS 07, they said that XIII was only 13 percent complete.  So they couldn't have been too far in development before knowing that the PS3 was not selling astoundingly well, if at TGS 07 (September 07) they were only 13 percent complete.  They could have easily switched consoles like MH3 did, and cut their losses.  The fact that they kept with it shows that they would do the same for FFVII

     A better question about whether a game like Wii Sports would sell on PS3, and yes it could, and yes the PS3 could certainly have a much better version of it all they would have to make is a new controller.  Nintendo would hav to make a new console to play MGS 4 or Uncharted, is whether or not Wii Sports should be on the market in the first place or not.  And no, it really shouldn't because it does nothing to advance the art of video games whatsoever.  What could a game that just gets a few casuals togehther to waggle their wii remote in a simulation of tennis do to advance the art of gaming?  Why don't those people that want to play Wii Sports so badly go outside and play tennis or basketball or go to a bowling alley to play those sports if they want to, rather than try to destroy an artistic medium with their innaneness.

Soriku said:
DMeisterJ said:
Kasz216 said:
DMeisterJ said:
If anything, we can hope for FFVII to be ported onto the PSP or be put on PSN. That's where I'd put the most stock at for FFVII. I think FFVII could come to the PS3. I mean, if SE is putting XIII on the PS3, then they obviously can't be that worried about Japanese sales.

I disagree there... I mean they started FF13 back when they thought PS3 was going to be PS2 all over again.  That much can be shown by the fact that they actually could make the FF7 tech demo.

There is basically no way for them to back out of it.

Personally I think FF7 will be PS3 or nothing... which is why I think it will be nothing.

Yet if they did release FF7 this generation it would be wii.

Confusing sounding, I know.  However I think Square knows that FF7 really wouldn't hold up as a straight port, or even as a remake with graphics that weren't top of the line... since the cutscenes are what really wowed most people about 7.

In every other way it's just another Final Fantasy game but a little worse everywhere... furthermore since then FF has advanced it has moved into a new battle system which will make the FF7 battlesystem seem aged and annoying to the majority of the "casual" Final Fantasy RPG fans... aka the ones that basically just buy Final Fantasy.

So without the graphics... it seems like it'd hurt the brand.

However if they just say... screw the brand and want to make a quick buck, they can do a port for the Wii and maximize profit.

Should FF13 DRASTICALLY change things... maybe they'll do a FF7 remake.  I mean afterall they plan to make the FF13 brandname last for years through the various spinoffs.  After FF13V there really won't be anything they'll be working on Final Fantasy wise for the PS3... So i could see them doing that, assuming the PS3 picks up it's numbers a lot in Japan... Afterall the japanese fans are vital to them and they don't want to piss them off by putting the remake on a system that almost nobody in japan has.

I don't see another non MMO FF out till next generation when Square can put it on a system with at least equal graphics to the Ps3 and much better sales.

They could have just stopped development and switched over to the Wii.  I mean, Capcom did it.  And at TGS 07, they said that XIII was only 13 percent complete.  So they couldn't have been too far in development before knowing that the PS3 was not selling astoundingly well, if at TGS 07 (September 07) they were only 13 percent complete.  They could have easily switched consoles like MH3 did, and cut their losses.  The fact that they kept with it shows that they would do the same for FFVII

But that's not really true. They were still probably thinking the PS3 would "dominate" - it was too early. Btw, lol. The 13% thing was fake.

How do we know the 13 percent thing was fake?  Linky?  Cause if it wasn't, I still have a valid point.


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baph72 said:

     A better question about whether a game like Wii Sports would sell on PS3, and yes it could, and yes the PS3 could certainly have a much better version of it all they would have to make is a new controller.  Nintendo would hav to make a new console to play MGS 4 or Uncharted, is whether or not Wii Sports should be on the market in the first place or not.  And no, it really shouldn't because it does nothing to advance the art of video games whatsoever.  What could a game that just gets a few casuals togehther to waggle their wii remote in a simulation of tennis do to advance the art of gaming?  Why don't those people that want to play Wii Sports so badly go outside and play tennis or basketball or go to a bowling alley to play those sports if they want to, rather than try to destroy an artistic medium with their innaneness.


it's not about don't know too much about business do you?

it's about making new that nintendo can later make a Mario Tennis with motion control wich would sell awesomely, because of the more accurate controls for a Tennis game


it also opens the world for OTHER developers to make those types of complex games, the reason the game is even there is because it showcases what the most basic functions are of the Wii (for developers and gamers alike)


and YES the Wii could have a MGS4 or Uncharted, not as beautiful, yet it would be more fun and have more intuitive controls: resulting in it selling more than the PS3 version

I played MGS2 again lately..and recalled the really BAD FPS controls..MAN controllers suck for FPS...every one of them..won't have that problem with the Wiimote

but we won't know that anytime soon, now will we..

Soriku said:
DMeisterJ said:
Soriku said:
DMeisterJ said:
Kasz216 said:
DMeisterJ said:
If anything, we can hope for FFVII to be ported onto the PSP or be put on PSN. That's where I'd put the most stock at for FFVII. I think FFVII could come to the PS3. I mean, if SE is putting XIII on the PS3, then they obviously can't be that worried about Japanese sales.

I disagree there... I mean they started FF13 back when they thought PS3 was going to be PS2 all over again.  That much can be shown by the fact that they actually could make the FF7 tech demo.

There is basically no way for them to back out of it.

Personally I think FF7 will be PS3 or nothing... which is why I think it will be nothing.

Yet if they did release FF7 this generation it would be wii.

Confusing sounding, I know.  However I think Square knows that FF7 really wouldn't hold up as a straight port, or even as a remake with graphics that weren't top of the line... since the cutscenes are what really wowed most people about 7.

In every other way it's just another Final Fantasy game but a little worse everywhere... furthermore since then FF has advanced it has moved into a new battle system which will make the FF7 battlesystem seem aged and annoying to the majority of the "casual" Final Fantasy RPG fans... aka the ones that basically just buy Final Fantasy.

So without the graphics... it seems like it'd hurt the brand.

However if they just say... screw the brand and want to make a quick buck, they can do a port for the Wii and maximize profit.

Should FF13 DRASTICALLY change things... maybe they'll do a FF7 remake.  I mean afterall they plan to make the FF13 brandname last for years through the various spinoffs.  After FF13V there really won't be anything they'll be working on Final Fantasy wise for the PS3... So i could see them doing that, assuming the PS3 picks up it's numbers a lot in Japan... Afterall the japanese fans are vital to them and they don't want to piss them off by putting the remake on a system that almost nobody in japan has.

I don't see another non MMO FF out till next generation when Square can put it on a system with at least equal graphics to the Ps3 and much better sales.

They could have just stopped development and switched over to the Wii.  I mean, Capcom did it.  And at TGS 07, they said that XIII was only 13 percent complete.  So they couldn't have been too far in development before knowing that the PS3 was not selling astoundingly well, if at TGS 07 (September 07) they were only 13 percent complete.  They could have easily switched consoles like MH3 did, and cut their losses.  The fact that they kept with it shows that they would do the same for FFVII

But that's not really true. They were still probably thinking the PS3 would "dominate" - it was too early. Btw, lol. The 13% thing was fake.

How do we know the 13 percent thing was fake?  Linky?  Cause if it wasn't, I still have a valid point.

Don't you think it was pretty strange FF XIII was 13% finished and FF Versus XIII was 1.3% done? SE is playing you for a fool lol. Also, they had a year+ to work on both. You think in a year they only had 13% finished? Looks like we should expect FF XIII in the next 10 years. And as for Versus...1.3% means they pretty much ONLY have the story. I mean come on, piece it together.

I thought it was ironic, but who am I to question how much they have complete.  But no one knows if they were actually lying or not.  You can speculate that because of the numbers, but it could just be coincidence.  And they could have gotten more people to work on it, thus making it get done faster.  So until someone can prove to me that stament is false, beyond a shadow of a doubt, my argument still stands.

I would much rather have my games be beautiful than to be tricked into thinking the lie that they're more fun because I'm controlling them with a Wii-mote.

Also there's no way those games could be on Wii not unless you really wanted to show how much like the NES that the Wii really is in comparison to the other systems on the market, and that is miles beyond how bad the NES was during the Golden Days of the SNES and Genesis.

"Thing looks like a d*ld*" -- Furious from Athene Wins.

"and YES the Wii could have a MGS4 or Uncharted, not as beautiful, yet it would be more fun and have more intuitive controls: resulting in it selling more than the PS3 version"

Soriku said:
deathcape said:
baph72 said:

     A better question about whether a game like Wii Sports would sell on PS3, and yes it could, and yes the PS3 could certainly have a much better version of it all they would have to make is a new controller.  Nintendo would hav to make a new console to play MGS 4 or Uncharted, is whether or not Wii Sports should be on the market in the first place or not.  And no, it really shouldn't because it does nothing to advance the art of video games whatsoever.  What could a game that just gets a few casuals togehther to waggle their wii remote in a simulation of tennis do to advance the art of gaming?  Why don't those people that want to play Wii Sports so badly go outside and play tennis or basketball or go to a bowling alley to play those sports if they want to, rather than try to destroy an artistic medium with their innaneness.


it's not about don't know too much about business do you?

it's about making new that nintendo can later make a Mario Tennis with motion control wich would sell awesomely, because of the more accurate controls for a Tennis game


it also opens the world for OTHER developers to make those types of complex games, the reason the game is even there is because it showcases what the most basic functions are of the Wii (for developers and gamers alike)


and YES the Wii could have a MGS4 or Uncharted, not as beautiful, yet it would be more fun and have more intuitive controls: resulting in it selling more than the PS3 version

I played MGS2 again lately..and recalled the really BAD FPS controls..MAN controllers suck for FPS...every one of them..won't have that problem with the Wiimote

but we won't know that anytime soon, now will we..


Dude...I can't believe you're bothering with this guy. After reading his first post in the thread you'd know he was a joke. That's why everyone's ignoring him.


meh....just my need to prove I'm right.. *shuts up*

FFVII remake is not happening period...not on any console. The tech demo was just to demonstrate the power of the ps3. Why? Because the risk of disappointing the fans is too high so S-E is better off working on FFXIV.

They'd rather have FFVII hold unto its "messiah" status among some JRPG fans than spend another couple years making nothing but a graphical upgrade while risking criticism for dumb stuff like: "I don't like Cloud's voice actor so the new FFVII sucks, I'd rather play Tales or Mario or Wii Fit"; "now that I'm replaying it, FFvii was highly overrated, I prefer Unreleased Extremity on 360". You all know how unreasonably dumb fanboys can get.

As for Kingdom Hearts III, the game hasn't even been announced. You don't even know if Disney is having Square create the next iteration not doing it themselves or giving it to another studio and yet you're all hacking each other to pieces.

If you respond to my post, don't even think of accusing me of wanting KH on ps3 because frankly I don't care if the series ended up on the apple iphone!

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler