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     A better question about whether a game like Wii Sports would sell on PS3, and yes it could, and yes the PS3 could certainly have a much better version of it all they would have to make is a new controller.  Nintendo would hav to make a new console to play MGS 4 or Uncharted, is whether or not Wii Sports should be on the market in the first place or not.  And no, it really shouldn't because it does nothing to advance the art of video games whatsoever.  What could a game that just gets a few casuals togehther to waggle their wii remote in a simulation of tennis do to advance the art of gaming?  Why don't those people that want to play Wii Sports so badly go outside and play tennis or basketball or go to a bowling alley to play those sports if they want to, rather than try to destroy an artistic medium with their innaneness.