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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. League

Words Of Wisdom said:
chriscox1121 said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
if wow stays in this, I will take his spot by tommorow by beating him. It's no big deal.




Silly Riot, always the kidder.  Fazz is getting my spot though because I have no interest in this league atm.

Besides, even if I did join it... I'd rather start at the bottom and claw my way up Rocky Balboa-style. ^_^

now that you have been removed from the list you can move up Rocky Balboa-style.  challenge number 20 or 19.  I'm sure TGM will be waiting for you.


Around the Network

ummm our team name is the Taoist Brawlers !!! not just Taoist ! oh I think i'll only be doing team matches with tao you can take me off the ladder.

sure thing chriscox

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Ok, where's TGS?

Valdens said:
When me and Fazz play, I beat him with my GnW pretty consistently. Any chance I could get on here?


you are now ranked number 20

Around the Network
brawl4life said:
ummm our team name is the Taoist Brawlers !!! not just Taoist ! oh I think i'll only be doing team matches with tao you can take me off the ladder.

it's no fun if my rivals not apart of it -_-

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

UPDATE: The rankings have been updated.

taomaster06 said:
brawl4life said:
ummm our team name is the Taoist Brawlers !!! not just Taoist ! oh I think i'll only be doing team matches with tao you can take me off the ladder.

it's no fun if my rivals not apart of it -_-


i know, i was hoping brawl would stay, i like brawl. oh well.

Switch Friend Code - 3664 - 9964 - 9777

Smash Ultimate Alias - Happy Lion

Mains: Donkey Kong, King K. Rool, Diddy Kong

taomaster06 said:
brawl4life said:
ummm our team name is the Taoist Brawlers !!! not just Taoist ! oh I think i'll only be doing team matches with tao you can take me off the ladder.

it's no fun if my rivals not apart of it -_-


lol wth its not like we can't brawl each other :) ...maybe i'll join later but right now already in the MK:wii and Moh2:h league that and i'm about to start working over time more not enough time to participate.

Why isn't jski on the list he is good.