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Forums - Sony Discussion - Soul Calibur 4 (PS3) - 6.7 GB Install + 2 GB Save

I think this is bullcrap, this game is just a fighter, and DBZ BL/NARUTO use no install.


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I call BS.  What happened to the 5GB limit?  If even MGS4 wasn't allowed to exceed it, why would Soul Calibur be allowed to?  And that save file size has to be a typo.  My biggest saves are Oblivion, and they are about 2.5 MB.  EDIT: AC is 2835 KB.  Does anyone really believe SC4 will be about 740 times larger?

Actually that makes me wonder, why the hell were socom saves 3 freaking MB back on the PS2?

Yeah, this is officially getting out of hand. I've said it before, and I'll say it again here:

The whole point of consoles is that they are easier to use and manage than a PC. That's why they exist in the first place: no fussy OS updates, installs, Hard Drive considerations, or other hardware upgrades. Now, the 360 and particularly the PS3 have 3 of these 4 problems; the only thing they're missing now are miscellaneous hardware compatability issues like GPU problems.

As we keep getting closer and closer to the PC format, I'm just going to have to ask: why aren't we just playing on the PC instead? Because the advantages are getting less and less apparent.">">

I can understand that some modes in SC require lots of space ( Weapon Master ) but these capacities are ridiculous. I second what Bodhesatva said; what next? changeable GPUs/CPUs/OS?

Did they put the whole game onto the hard drive? 6.7 + 2 = 8.7. DVD9 holds 9.


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I see no reason why this game even needs an install in the first place.



i have a 250 gig hardrive for ps3 and 120 gig hardrive for the xbox....


Stop bitching buy a bigger HDD.... i dont no why "space" is a big deal when there are thousands of options to hold them all.

This game is already preordered on the ps3 for me

There's only one way to sort this out...


I feel sorry for any launch 20gig users. If they want this game they either have to upgrade or say goodbye to half their HD!!

That said i'm betting this'll be debunked as a rumor/typo soon enough. At least I hope it will....

A seven gigabyte install though?

I'm still flabbergasted at it. That's almost the whole DVD9 that it's on the XBOX. That actually might just be the whole game if they didn't use the whole DVD.

The site is in Chinese, so I'm hoping it's a bad translation: I.E.: 670mb install and 2 mb game save.