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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 VS. X360 multi-plat Graphics Comparison

Honestly, unless u are a real tech guy, you can't tell a difference. SURPRISE!!!

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Kyros said:
Also here is MGS4:

WOW I didn't intend to buy MGS4 because the Japaneseness seemed to be strong in it and I thought it had too many cutscenes. But if all cutscenes look like this then I need to have it. Incredible.

@Deneidez Using washed out camera shots of weird angles doesn't prove anything. Uncharted is definitely one of the best-looking games ever. Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo are clearly not even in the same league. Especially Perfect Dark Zero looks like 1999, one closeup shot of a (repetitive) wall doesn't change that.

i think u dont play PRZ or kameo.


Did you have a look at the Perfect Dark screenshot. Or in that matter the whole damn Perfect Dark zero gallery at IGN? Kameo looks really beautiful on some pictures (and bad in others) but Perfect Dark Zero really looks like a first-year game. Pretty awful. To even compare it with Uncharted is insulting to anyone who has eyes. I promise I pulled these screenshots out at random. You can see that the bottom in PDZ looks detailed but do you really want to argue both games are on a comparable level. For me Uncharted is at least one generation ahead. (Not surprising since PDZ was a very early game)

GT 5 Prologue V's Forza 2 Screenshot comparison is needed. If someone can do that would be greatly appreciated for a lot of us on here.

I start to think that Uncharted looks good as Far Cry...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
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I'm sure we can all tell what game looks best from these randomly picked images off the net.




Kyros said:

Did you have a look at the Perfect Dark screenshot. Or in that matter the whole damn Perfect Dark zero gallery at IGN? Kameo looks really beautiful on some pictures (and bad in others) but Perfect Dark Zero really looks like a first-year game. Pretty awful. To even compare it with Uncharted is insulting to anyone who has eyes. I promise I pulled these screenshots out at random. You can see that the bottom in PDZ looks detailed but do you really want to argue both games are on a comparable level. For me Uncharted is at least one generation ahead. (Not surprising since PDZ was a very early game)

the ground is more detailed in perfect dark


the ground is more detailed in perfect dark

Yes it is. And the rest looks like a XBOX game. The enemies, the lighting effects, the objects the level details in the back. Having the most detailed ground isn't exactly what makes good graphics. In Uncharted: Everything looks great. There are some scenes that are more detailed than others but everything looks awesome.
Having more detailed textures on some walls and on the floor is nothing PDZ should be proud of.

Rock_on_2008 said:
GT 5 Prologue V's Forza 2 Screenshot comparison is needed. If someone can do that would be greatly appreciated for a lot of us on here.

You can't really compare those two games. GT5P don't have all the same things as forza 2 has. Especially it doesn't have damage.

Just check this video(and ignore those grid parts):


Theres lots of water = doesn't need much textures also theres no single thing near camera in that shot from uncharted. :)

Also one is camerashot and another one is screenshot theres a big difference between those two.


Let me post one game that makes both consoles bleed(fps=5 or less) when they try to run it(with any kind of optimizations :D),

(And no, I am not kidding. Even my 3500+ is sometimes not enough for this game. That game is 99% of game depth and 1% graphics. To be honest, I could make a program on PS3 that wouldn't run on X360 and vice versa.)

BengaBenga said:
I'd love to see other games for a change. The Uncharted pics are getting boring.

Tip: Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. Absolutely the most beautiful game I've ever played on a console.

But besides that I think that it's quite obvious that both consoles are about equal. Pointing at a little better lightning or wall-textures is really grasping for straws. which is totally ridiculous, since most pics that are posted here look very good.

I tend to agree ...

The one thing that has bothered me since everyone decided to start posting exclusives in this thread is there seems to be no understanding on how two games may have different gameplay limitations which enable them to have graphics that are better. Using the previous generation to demonstrate my point:


You can compare the texture and polygonal detail in both these games all you want, but the fact is you're comparing a game with a large open world to a game with very small detailed environments; its nearly impossible to say that one game is more or less impressive than the other because they have very different needs and limitations.