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BengaBenga said:
I'd love to see other games for a change. The Uncharted pics are getting boring.

Tip: Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. Absolutely the most beautiful game I've ever played on a console.

But besides that I think that it's quite obvious that both consoles are about equal. Pointing at a little better lightning or wall-textures is really grasping for straws. which is totally ridiculous, since most pics that are posted here look very good.

I tend to agree ...

The one thing that has bothered me since everyone decided to start posting exclusives in this thread is there seems to be no understanding on how two games may have different gameplay limitations which enable them to have graphics that are better. Using the previous generation to demonstrate my point:


You can compare the texture and polygonal detail in both these games all you want, but the fact is you're comparing a game with a large open world to a game with very small detailed environments; its nearly impossible to say that one game is more or less impressive than the other because they have very different needs and limitations.