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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 VS. X360 multi-plat Graphics Comparison

TheRealMafoo said:
Squilliam said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
davygee said:
Sorry, but Ninja Gaiden 2 on the 360 runs natively at a resolution of 1120x585 (check the link), whereas Uncharted runs at 1280x720, which means that Uncharted has 40% more pixels on screen at the one time than Ninja Gaiden 2.

Proves that Uncharted is far superior than NG2. 40% more pixels on screen. Beat that X360 fans.



Grand Theft Auto IV = 1280x720 (2xAA) vs Grand Theft Auto IV = 1152x640 (no AA) (921,600 vs 737280) or a 20% difference with AA for the Xbox360. It just proves that in Apples to apples, the Xbox360 apple is bigger and tastier. Beaten it.


Not really, developers go for the best looking thing. They could have done Halo in a lot higher resolution, but chose to lower it, because within the limits of the hardware, the got a better overall image.

GTA4 looks better on the PS3. The developers used all the tools they had to make the best looking image (one of those tools is Pixel count). The collective use of the PS3's capabilities proved to be better then the collective used of the 360's. Using nothing but resolution to determine power is misleading.


 Hmm, ok. You win the general gist of it I can't and won't refute you at this point.

However the differences between the Xbox360 and PS3 are due to the effects of filters and perhaps the differences in the colour palette of the systems. An Ati/Nvidia effect rather than a specific console advantage. The Xbix360 image is sharper and I see no reason why the effect couldn't be replicated on the Xbox360. I think it might be a lot of luck with regards to the subjective judgement of casual observers. Had they included the same filter on the 360 version it would have swung the other way most likely.


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Rock_on_2008 said:
obieslut said:

Sometime the 360 has trouble outdoing its predeseccor.

the first 2 are X360 game the last one is an xbox game. i know the 360 is better the the xbox but from these pics the 360 textures are not any better then xbox textures

Far Cry on XBox looks far superior than those two X360 games. Lost Odyssey and COD 2 look meh.


Really low textures on the floor says hi,

wouldnt you agree people


obieslut said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
obieslut said:

Sometime the 360 has trouble outdoing its predeseccor.

the first 2 are X360 game the last one is an xbox game. i know the 360 is better the the xbox but from these pics the 360 textures are not any better then xbox textures

Far Cry on XBox looks far superior than those two X360 games. Lost Odyssey and COD 2 look meh.


Really low textures on the floor says hi,

wouldnt you agree people


The textures on the floor in the X360 games look meh.


Regarding the list of games using AA in games, it should be noted this does not give you bigger or more complex game worlds, higher res textures, more onscreen activity or per se a superior game version overall.

Anti-aliasing methods are mainly being applied for possible noticeable artifacts where 2 very different colors are next to each other making it easier to find the edges in graphics and notice separate pixels, making graphics look potentially jaggier.

The higher the resolution and the smaller the screen the less relevant usually Anti-aliasing techniques become. The techniques used vary greatly from a technical perspective but try to address the same problem, changing the colors of pixels to more closely match those of neighboring pixels.

In a 720p game you can handpick your colors for your graphics in ways that anti-aliasing isn't really needed, modern upscaling chips sometimes also have anti-aliasing abilities (can be done by the HDTV or source system). The best way to find out if a game needs more anti-aliasing is to try to game or read the reviews and look at high quality screenshots or footage to determine if a game shows many jaggies or not. That's more useful from a consumer perspective than just looking at some level of AA being applied. For example UT3 on the PS3 does not do full screen anti-aliasing, but does the game look full of jaggies. No, not really Epic however did apply edge blurring, which is also an anti-aliasing technique. It's the end result which matters to consumers.

The PS3 is just as capable of handling AA, but using the 360's methods the framerate is impacted too much in comparison (at least at lower resolutions). So either you'll have to use more advanced techniques like Killzone 2 or take fillrate related workload off the GPU by using the SPUs.

Regarding the mentioned framerates of GTA IV cutscenes, do note that framerates in normal paced cutscenes are less relevant than for fast paced gameplay scenes. Holywood movies have usually been shot in only 24 FPS and I have heard nobody ever claim such movies run at a far too low framerate. It can be sufficient for movement perception due to human perceptive limitations. The framerates with regard to the PS3 version of GTA IV is about on par with hollywood movies, it's not something which needs fixing and I have heard nobody request such a thing.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

NJ5 said:
davygee said:
Sorry, but Ninja Gaiden 2 on the 360 runs natively at a resolution of 1120x585 (check the link), whereas Uncharted runs at 1280x720, which means that Uncharted has 40% more pixels on screen at the one time than Ninja Gaiden 2.

Welcome to 15 posts ago in the discussion...

When doing technical comparisons, you can't divorce resolution from frame-rate. A 1080p slide-show also has more pixels on the screen than any of the games we mentioned, but it's meaningless as far as technical capability is concerned.

A fair measure to compare is pixels per second:

Uncharted - 30 fps @ 1280x720 = 27.6 million pixels per second.

NG2 - 60 fps @ 1120x585 = 39.3 million pixels per second.

Because of this, I realize that the Uncharted vs NG2 comparison is not the best, but I pointed that out as soon as I started talking about NG2/Uncharted.


Well why is Ninja Gaiden Sigma rendered at a higher resolution compared to Ninja Gaiden 2 although both run at 60fps and both look very similar.  Actually, in some cases NGS looks better maybe down to the higher resolution.

Also, NG2 came out a year after NGS did on the PS3!?

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MikeB said:

@ HappySqurriel

A videogame is an implicitly syncronized problem being that there is a clear process flow which has to be completed in order, and if you split up a process that makes up the larger process flow each of these sub-processes has to be broken up (roughly) equally in order to prevent waste.

The reason why the Amiga was so powerful for its time and later the Neo Geo as a console, was due to their far more asynchronous approach.

For example on the Amiga the sound processing was done seperately, on a PC you would hear sound stuttering when the CPU got overloaded. On an Amiga the audio stayed rock solid, Amiga emulators on a PC using a single core are still experiencing sound stuttering.

Or for example the Amiga mouse pointer is always responsive, even on a 7 Mhz machine and user input by clicking a button always results into instant feedback from the system no matter how much the workload on the CPU, etc, etc. On a PC you under high loads you will notice mouse freezing and much delayed feedback while clicking a button.

Games engines perform lots of different tasks which can be handled highly asynchronously, decompression, audio processing, decoding, etc, etc. You can predict how the performance of the SPEs will be (and add other tasks) and you have to make sure you're not overloading a single SPE with tasks, for this performance tools are available. Usually you keep some headroom throughout the game, only peaking in the most demanding (for example action packed) scenes.

The Xenon is less of a asyncrhonous design, there are lots of bottlenecks to take into account. For example its shared L2 cache can only feed one core at any given time, shared main memory which can only be accessed by GPU or CPU at any given time, etc. This means you will far more have to deal with synchronization due to bottlenecks.


You're comparing Amigas to oranges ...

The PC, PS3, PS2, XBox 360, XBox, Wii and Gamecube have already been designed to take advantage of the parallel processes that exist in games (this is not asynchronous! you can't process the graphics or sound before you process the game events); they have CPUs, GPUs, and Sound Processors which allow them to render and output sound for the current frame while processing the next frame on the CPU.

When you are handling AI, updating the scenegraph, calculating physics and animation there is a distinct process flow. You can break up each of the sub processes into threads but balancing is a major issue which becomes much larger with the more ways you try to break it up. Consider what happens if you're processing something which can only be broken up 4 distinct ways and the processing of one of the objects takes up 40% of the total processing power, leaving the other 3 averaging 20% each; in this section the best performance you can from 6spe cell processor over this section 35% over the 7 cores. This is quite a common problem in very syncronized processes like a modern game ...

davygee said:
NJ5 said:
davygee said:
Sorry, but Ninja Gaiden 2 on the 360 runs natively at a resolution of 1120x585 (check the link), whereas Uncharted runs at 1280x720, which means that Uncharted has 40% more pixels on screen at the one time than Ninja Gaiden 2.

Welcome to 15 posts ago in the discussion...

When doing technical comparisons, you can't divorce resolution from frame-rate. A 1080p slide-show also has more pixels on the screen than any of the games we mentioned, but it's meaningless as far as technical capability is concerned.

A fair measure to compare is pixels per second:

Uncharted - 30 fps @ 1280x720 = 27.6 million pixels per second.

NG2 - 60 fps @ 1120x585 = 39.3 million pixels per second.

Because of this, I realize that the Uncharted vs NG2 comparison is not the best, but I pointed that out as soon as I started talking about NG2/Uncharted.


Well why is Ninja Gaiden Sigma rendered at a higher resolution compared to Ninja Gaiden 2 although both run at 60fps and both look very similar. Actually, in some cases NGS looks better maybe down to the higher resolution.

Also, NG2 came out a year after NGS did on the PS3!?

NGS looks better than NG2? You gotta be kidding me... NG2 has better art, more detailed environments, many more enemies on screen simultaneously, non-disappearing blood and corpses. On Ninja Gaiden Xbox the framerate dropped to 30 fps during Ninpo (with all the fire effects on the screen), but I don't know if that's the case in Sigma. I also don't know if Ninja Gaiden Sigma has anti-aliasing.

Not to mention the better AI which also has its performance hit (especially with more simultaneous enemies) and might well be one of the reasons why the resolution was downgraded.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma is a pretty game, and a very good port at least as far as graphics are concerned, but it's still a last-gen game by many standards.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

obieslut said:

Sometime the 360 has trouble outdoing its predeseccor.

the first 2 are X360 game the last one is an xbox game. i know the 360 is better the the xbox but from these pics the 360 textures are not any better then xbox textures


The original XBox had a default harddrive for developers to always rely on and the disc storage space is the same for both XBox and 360, so using very high quality textures and/or a great diversity of textures developers run out of DVD space.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

MikeB said:
obieslut said:

Sometime the 360 has trouble outdoing its predeseccor.

the first 2 are X360 game the last one is an xbox game. i know the 360 is better the the xbox but from these pics the 360 textures are not any better then xbox textures


The original XBox had a default harddrive for developers to always rely on and the disc storage space is the same for both XBox and 360, so using very high quality textures and/or a great diversity of textures developers run out of DVD space.


but the 360 should blow all xbox games away but from these pics it seems that it doesnt do it all the time

This thread just won't stop. Amazing. I'm only interested in one thing: Which RE5 will look the best. Everything else is unimportant.