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TheRealMafoo said:
Squilliam said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
davygee said:
Sorry, but Ninja Gaiden 2 on the 360 runs natively at a resolution of 1120x585 (check the link), whereas Uncharted runs at 1280x720, which means that Uncharted has 40% more pixels on screen at the one time than Ninja Gaiden 2.

Proves that Uncharted is far superior than NG2. 40% more pixels on screen. Beat that X360 fans.



Grand Theft Auto IV = 1280x720 (2xAA) vs Grand Theft Auto IV = 1152x640 (no AA) (921,600 vs 737280) or a 20% difference with AA for the Xbox360. It just proves that in Apples to apples, the Xbox360 apple is bigger and tastier. Beaten it.


Not really, developers go for the best looking thing. They could have done Halo in a lot higher resolution, but chose to lower it, because within the limits of the hardware, the got a better overall image.

GTA4 looks better on the PS3. The developers used all the tools they had to make the best looking image (one of those tools is Pixel count). The collective use of the PS3's capabilities proved to be better then the collective used of the 360's. Using nothing but resolution to determine power is misleading.


 Hmm, ok. You win the general gist of it I can't and won't refute you at this point.

However the differences between the Xbox360 and PS3 are due to the effects of filters and perhaps the differences in the colour palette of the systems. An Ati/Nvidia effect rather than a specific console advantage. The Xbix360 image is sharper and I see no reason why the effect couldn't be replicated on the Xbox360. I think it might be a lot of luck with regards to the subjective judgement of casual observers. Had they included the same filter on the 360 version it would have swung the other way most likely.
