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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 VS. X360 multi-plat Graphics Comparison

FJ-Warez said:

Well, another two, similar enviroment, both in game, and both feature crappy textures in some model...



One thing you don't see in that screen shot, is the motion, the sound, the fact that if you turn left, you will see a building 300 yards off collapse into smoke. You don't see the 30 other extremely high detailed gunmen shooting at you, all at a higher resolution then anything Gears could think about.

Play the game, and then you will understand. I have both, and have finished both. Gears is not even in the same league graphically.

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TheRealMafoo said:
FJ-Warez said:

Well, another two, similar enviroment, both in game, and both feature crappy textures in some model...



One thing you don't see in that screen shot, is the motion, the sound, the fact that if you turn left, you will see a building 300 yards off collapse into smoke. You don't see the 30 other extremely high detailed gunmen shooting at you, all at a higher resolution then anything Gears could think about.

Play the game, and then you will understand. I have both, and have finished both. Gears is not even in the same league graphically.


 Gears runs in a higher resolution then MGS4.

TheRealMafoo said:


One thing you don't see in that screen shot, is the motion, the sound, the fact that if you turn left, you will see a building 300 yards off collapse into smoke. You don't see the 30 other extremely high detailed gunmen shooting at you, all at a higher resolution then anything Gears could think about.

Play the game, and then you will understand. I have both, and have finished both. Gears is not even in the same league graphically.


Both games feature a different kind of war, and as I said MGS4 looks better but not a lot better taken in account that GoW is just a 10 millions game vs a 70-80 millions game, I can´t see huge gap, and about the number of things happening, I will wait to GoW 2 to make a better judgement...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

MGS4 1024x768=786432 Pixels resolution
Gears 1280x720=921600 Pixels resolution

Gears of War runs in a higher resolution then MGS4 does.

Although MGS4 spent waay more money than GeOW2 I bet it will have worse graphics. Just watch and see.

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Fishie said:
MGS4 1024x768=786432 Pixels resolution
Gears 1280x720=921600 Pixels resolution

Gears of War runs in a higher resolution then MGS4 does.



Even if it does MGS4 has far more details than GeOW, also KILLZONE 2 DOES OBLITERATE ANYTHING ON THE 360, you say otherwise your blind, and its easy to see you are blind.


Fishie said:
MGS4 1024x768=786432 Pixels resolution
Gears 1280x720=921600 Pixels resolution

Gears of War runs in a higher resolution then MGS4 does.


 That's great and all. As I stated already though, what does it matter if one game has a higher resolution or more pixels- per-second if it still doesn't look as good?


PIMP said:
Although MGS4 spent waay more money than GeOW2 I bet it will have worse graphics. Just watch and see.


Yea so far, GEARS 2 is GEARS 1 with better lighting and more characters.


Dallinor said:
Fishie said:
MGS4 1024x768=786432 Pixels resolution
Gears 1280x720=921600 Pixels resolution

Gears of War runs in a higher resolution then MGS4 does.


 That's great and all. As I stated already though, what does it matter if one game has a higher resolution or more pixels- per-second if it still doesn't look as good?

Someone stated that MGS4 runs in a resolution far higher then Gears could ever hope for, that statement was flat out wrong so I set him straight thats all.


leo-j I dont appreciate it when someone who links to flv videos to prove graphical superiority and who`s only exposure to a title has been company hype and crappy net movies calls me blind for disagreeing with his oppinion on a title I have actually PLAYED.


Fishie said:
Dallinor said:
Fishie said:
MGS4 1024x768=786432 Pixels resolution
Gears 1280x720=921600 Pixels resolution

Gears of War runs in a higher resolution then MGS4 does.


 That's great and all. As I stated already though, what does it matter if one game has a higher resolution or more pixels- per-second if it still doesn't look as good?

Someone stated that MGS4 runs in a resolution far higher then Gears could ever hope for, that statement was flat out wrong so I set him straight thats all.


leo-j I dont appreciate it when someone who links to flv videos to prove graphical superiority and who`s only exposure to a title has been company hype and crappy net movies calls me blind for disagreeing with his oppinion on a title I have actually PLAYED.


You have played MGS4? Then why are you doubting the game doesnt look better than Gears of war? There is no doubt in the games visuals, unless your lying. You have played KILLZONE 2?


