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Dallinor said:
Fishie said:
MGS4 1024x768=786432 Pixels resolution
Gears 1280x720=921600 Pixels resolution

Gears of War runs in a higher resolution then MGS4 does.


 That's great and all. As I stated already though, what does it matter if one game has a higher resolution or more pixels- per-second if it still doesn't look as good?

Someone stated that MGS4 runs in a resolution far higher then Gears could ever hope for, that statement was flat out wrong so I set him straight thats all.


leo-j I dont appreciate it when someone who links to flv videos to prove graphical superiority and who`s only exposure to a title has been company hype and crappy net movies calls me blind for disagreeing with his oppinion on a title I have actually PLAYED.