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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 VS. X360 multi-plat Graphics Comparison

reptile168 said: 

Because you're a HUGE ps3 fanboy. That's why.

I can very well say Gears of War, Bioshock and Mass Effect look so much better than anything on the PS3. And stop with your killzone 2 trolling.


Killzone 2 trolling?

How is it trolling if this thread is about 360 vs PS3 graphics, and Bioshock is on the PS3


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davygee said:
FJ-Warez said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
Shameless said:
Is PS3 ever going to do anything at the level of 360 on multiplatform graphics?

GTA IV, COD 4, Battlefield Bad company and Devil May Cry 4 were all graphically superior to their 360 counterparts.


Not really, the only one I can´t compare is BF:BC but the other 3, the 360 version is a little bit better...



GTA4 - Is up to the user, the PS3 looks better to some, whereas the 360 does to others.

Call of Duty 4 - The developers stated that the PS3 version looked better.

Devil May Cry 4 - The PS3 version is marginally better looking.

Battlefield BC - Don't know.

Burnout Paradise - The PS3 version looks better


GTA4 - 360 Better resolution, better AA

CD4 - 360 Textures, better quality

DMC4 - It features AA


All this things are hard to notice, but they are there, like I said is a little bit better...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
davygee said:
reptile168 said:


Because you're a HUGE ps3 fanboy. That's why.

I can very well say Gears of War, Bioshock and Mass Effect look so much better than anything on the PS3. And stop with your killzone 2 trolling.

Yes, you can say it, but it's not true.

Although GeOW, Bioshock and ME look good, they most certainly don't look as good at MGS4 and Uncharted.


I agree and all those three games suffer from too obvious texture pop-ins. Mass Effect on the 360 is IMO technically flawed, mandatory cutscenes trying to unsuccessfully cover-up the loading times and the framerate drops.

In a pre-Gears era Oblivion was often named as the best looking 360 game. The PS3 version looked much better, maybe Bioshock on the PS3 will be improved on as well. Though I am sure Bioshock won't be tapping the PS3's potential like upcoming exclusives Resistance 2 or Killzone 2 will.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

@ FJ-Warez

All this things are hard to notice, but they are are, like I said is a little bit better...

The most noticeable difference between DMC4 is IMO shorter loading times and more screen tear with the 360 version.

Actually GTA IV has less aliasing issues on the PS3. Also easily noticeable.

Can't comment on COD4, but a quote:

"That said, all levels (single player and multi) use identical geometry and textures across all platforms."

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

leo-j said:
reptile168 said:
leo-j said:
eliasg said:
BrayanA said:
Another win for 360? Nothing new.


many people in the forum still believe to the SONY hype, they are just blind and cant see the truth...


Are you trying to say the 360 is equal to or more powerful than the ps3? Because thats flat out wrong.


Wow its so funny how you only talk about the GPU, and completely forget the CELL is a CPU based on working on both graphics, and physics.

edit: Apparently you havent seen killzone 2


You are blinded by Sony's marketing and potential and of course, false promises.

360's GPU has proven again and again that it's superior to the PS3'S GPU.

On the other hand, PS3's CPU has more potential than the 360, but as far as gaming is concerned, it doesn't matter.

Killzone 2 what? Haven't you seen gears of war 2? Killzone has been bullsh*t from the start.


 Proven? Yes its true the PS3's GPU is slightly weaker than the 360's GPU, but the GPU isnt the only thing that matters. Also you like every other 360 fanboy(no not saying ur a fanboy) Always say the same thing about the CELL, if the CELL has nothing to improve on the PS3 then why did SONY PUT IT IN?

Killzone 2 looks MILES better than gears 2, which looks the same as gears 1 with better lighting and more things on screen.

The Cell processor in the PS3 is great there is only one problem. The amout of RAM on the GPU is 256 MB which means that for the majority of games on the PS3 the Cell Processor has to do alot of the graphical processing instructions since the RAM can't buffer graphics quick enough. This is one of the reasons alot of games on the PS3 MGS4 included run at 30fps and not 60fps. If Sony had put 512 MB of memory on there GPU instead of 256 MB it would leave some of the cores free to process more frames per second. If anything could be a downfall in the future of the PS3 it could be the lack of memory on the PS3's GPU. The Cell won't be able to handle all the instructions and games will slow down.


Now Playing: Crysis 2

Last Finished: BulletStorm

Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

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One thing to consider - Gears of War 2 is probably as good if not better looking than any shooter game on either system. It achieves this by sacrafices made with a DOF (Depth of field effect) So while it 'looks' better it doesn't make it a better technical achievement its a better design achievement. Uncharted is similar to this, it looks edit: great but its not the best technical achievement on the PS3. For different reasons.

So while RFOM 2 might be better technical achievements I would nudge Gears of War as the better design achievement. Depth of field works by obscuring the long distance detail in favour of whats in front of your face. Its a bluring effect. A design sacrifice that is made as a trade off as the often masturbated "console optimizations" often are. So I would pick that RFOM 2 is probably technically better just like GTAIV is technically better on the 360, the average public will probably pick Gears of war as the "better looking" just as the average punters picked the PS3 version of GTAIV as better looking as well.

Btw, don't raise your hopes on KZ2 yet, it employs DOF more heavily than gears of war.


MikeB said:

@ FJ-Warez

All this things are hard to notice, but they are are, like I said is a little bit better...

The most noticeable difference between DMC4 is IMO shorter loading times and more screen tear with the 360 version.

Actually GTA IV has less aliasing issues on the PS3. Also easily noticeable.

Can't comment on COD4, but a quote:

"That said, all levels (single player and multi) use identical geometry and textures across all platforms."

Do you want pics???


By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
XGamer0611 said:
leo-j said:
reptile168 said:
leo-j said:
eliasg said:
BrayanA said:
Another win for 360? Nothing new.


many people in the forum still believe to the SONY hype, they are just blind and cant see the truth...


Are you trying to say the 360 is equal to or more powerful than the ps3? Because thats flat out wrong.


Wow its so funny how you only talk about the GPU, and completely forget the CELL is a CPU based on working on both graphics, and physics.

edit: Apparently you havent seen killzone 2


You are blinded by Sony's marketing and potential and of course, false promises.

360's GPU has proven again and again that it's superior to the PS3'S GPU.

On the other hand, PS3's CPU has more potential than the 360, but as far as gaming is concerned, it doesn't matter.

Killzone 2 what? Haven't you seen gears of war 2? Killzone has been bullsh*t from the start.


 Proven? Yes its true the PS3's GPU is slightly weaker than the 360's GPU, but the GPU isnt the only thing that matters. Also you like every other 360 fanboy(no not saying ur a fanboy) Always say the same thing about the CELL, if the CELL has nothing to improve on the PS3 then why did SONY PUT IT IN?

Killzone 2 looks MILES better than gears 2, which looks the same as gears 1 with better lighting and more things on screen.

The Cell processor in the PS3 is great there is only one problem. The amout of RAM on the GPU is 256 MB which means that for the majority of games on the PS3 the Cell Processor has to do alot of the graphical processing instructions since the RAM can't buffer graphics quick enough. This is one of the reasons alot of games on the PS3 MGS4 included run at 30fps and not 60fps. If Sony had put 512 MB of memory on there GPU instead of 256 MB it would leave some of the cores free to process more frames per second. If anything could be a downfall in the future of the PS3 it could be the lack of memory on the PS3's GPU. The Cell won't be able to handle all the instructions and games will slow down.


Actually 256 mb is fine, its actually more than enough video ram. Its not like the PS3 renders anything difficult at more than say 1280/1080 or also known as quite a low resolution for a PC desktop VGA card.

The problem being this, to show off the Cell you need to give it something to do. In laymans terms the PS3 doesn't have enough ram for the designers to give the cell enough to do. Sure its a brilliant processor but it doesn't help when the code required to take advantage of it is ram intensive and theres only 256 megabytes of it to spread around.

Even simpler, the Cell is even more gimped inside the PS3 architecture than the g92 is with 256mb of ram. Give it more! Then you'll see it shine.



reptile168 said:
leo-j said:
HappySqurriel said:Within the first 12 months in North America the PS2 saw the release of Gran Turismo 3, Grand Theft Auto 3, Metal Gear Solid 2, and Final Fantasy X which were all representative of the graphics that the PS2 would see for the entire generation; the launch games (and cheap ports) were bad, but the games that had quality developers putting a solid effort towards got pretty close to where the best graphics would end up being.

The PS3 has been on the market for 18 months, and developers have been working on the PS3's hardware for (roughly) 3 years. So far Epic and id have had difficulties achieving better performance on the PS3 than they received on the XBox 360, and it wasn't worth Valve's time to port the (several year old) source engine; Epic, id and Valve are (potentially) the most experienced and talented game engine developers in the world and somehow after years of development have yet to achieve noticeably better performance than the XBox 360.


Then explain to me why, Uncharted, MGS4, and Killzone 2 look so much better than anything on the XBOX 360?



Because you're a HUGE ps3 fanboy. That's why.

I can very well say Gears of War, Bioshock and Mass Effect look so much better than anything on the PS3. And stop with your killzone 2 trolling.


an enhanced version of bioshock is coming to the ps3 so it can cross that game of the list

All you people are so crazy. Unlike PS2 vs Xbox, there isn't a huge graphic disparity this generation.

The 360 and PS3 look pretty similar in most games, and in motion, I doubt you'd notice too much difference in the multiplat games that look 'worse' on the ps3.

And on the other side of the coin, games like uncharted and mgs4 do NOT look *that* much better, if better at all, than some of the better looking 360 games. 98% of the arguing in this thread comes down to subjective opinions over art direction rather than actual concrete evidence of graphical superiority (draw distance, detail, effects, antialiasing, etc)