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leo-j said:
reptile168 said:
leo-j said:
eliasg said:
BrayanA said:
Another win for 360? Nothing new.


many people in the forum still believe to the SONY hype, they are just blind and cant see the truth...


Are you trying to say the 360 is equal to or more powerful than the ps3? Because thats flat out wrong.


Wow its so funny how you only talk about the GPU, and completely forget the CELL is a CPU based on working on both graphics, and physics.

edit: Apparently you havent seen killzone 2


You are blinded by Sony's marketing and potential and of course, false promises.

360's GPU has proven again and again that it's superior to the PS3'S GPU.

On the other hand, PS3's CPU has more potential than the 360, but as far as gaming is concerned, it doesn't matter.

Killzone 2 what? Haven't you seen gears of war 2? Killzone has been bullsh*t from the start.


 Proven? Yes its true the PS3's GPU is slightly weaker than the 360's GPU, but the GPU isnt the only thing that matters. Also you like every other 360 fanboy(no not saying ur a fanboy) Always say the same thing about the CELL, if the CELL has nothing to improve on the PS3 then why did SONY PUT IT IN?

Killzone 2 looks MILES better than gears 2, which looks the same as gears 1 with better lighting and more things on screen.

The Cell processor in the PS3 is great there is only one problem. The amout of RAM on the GPU is 256 MB which means that for the majority of games on the PS3 the Cell Processor has to do alot of the graphical processing instructions since the RAM can't buffer graphics quick enough. This is one of the reasons alot of games on the PS3 MGS4 included run at 30fps and not 60fps. If Sony had put 512 MB of memory on there GPU instead of 256 MB it would leave some of the cores free to process more frames per second. If anything could be a downfall in the future of the PS3 it could be the lack of memory on the PS3's GPU. The Cell won't be able to handle all the instructions and games will slow down.


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