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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 VS. X360 multi-plat Graphics Comparison

FJ-Warez said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
Shameless said:
Is PS3 ever going to do anything at the level of 360 on multiplatform graphics?

GTA IV, COD 4, Battlefield Bad company and Devil May Cry 4 were all graphically superior to their 360 counterparts.


Not really, the only one I can´t compare is BF:BC but the other 3, the 360 version is a little bit better...


GTA4 - majority of reviewrs have stated ps3 is technically better, only fanboys say otherwise

COD4 - is say nothing between them although there are a few extra effects on ps3 version but same never the less

BFBC - ps3 better slightly

DMC4 - although same game and same graphics, imo ps3 version looks crisper colours. cartridge-like load times makes ps3 version better.

 "theres no games on 360 that look better than uncharted, mgs4 and gt5p" stop clutching straws

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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FJ-Warez said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
Shameless said:
Is PS3 ever going to do anything at the level of 360 on multiplatform graphics?

GTA IV, COD 4, Battlefield Bad company and Devil May Cry 4 were all graphically superior to their 360 counterparts.


Not really, the only one I can´t compare is BF:BC but the other 3, the 360 version is a little bit better...



GTA4 - Is up to the user, the PS3 looks better to some, whereas the 360 does to others.

Call of Duty 4 - The developers stated that the PS3 version looked better.

Devil May Cry 4 - The PS3 version is marginally better looking.

Battlefield BC - Don't know.

Burnout Paradise - The PS3 version looks better

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

leo-j said:
eliasg said:
BrayanA said:
Another win for 360? Nothing new.


many people in the forum still believe to the SONY hype, they are just blind and cant see the truth...


Are you trying to say the 360 is equal to or more powerful than the ps3? Because thats flat out wrong.


Wow its so funny how you only talk about the GPU, and completely forget the CELL is a CPU based on working on both graphics, and physics.

edit: Apparently you havent seen killzone 2


You are blinded by Sony's marketing and potential and of course, false promises.

360's GPU has proven again and again that it's superior to the PS3'S GPU.

On the other hand, PS3's CPU has more potential than the 360, but as far as gaming is concerned, it doesn't matter.

Killzone 2 what? Haven't you seen gears of war 2? Killzone has been bullsh*t from the start.

Who was compared Uncharted to Perfect Dark: Zero? You can't do that. Two reasons why:

1) Perfect Dark: Zero was a launch game. The development team didn't know what the 360 could do at the time it was released.

2) Perfect Dark: Zero is one of the worst games on the 360.

If you are going to compare games at least compare stuff that was released around the same time or an actual multi-platform game. Something like Stranglehold, Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, or another Multi-platformer.

Now Playing: Crysis 2

Last Finished: BulletStorm

Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

davygee said:
NNN2004 said:
its only my opinion.

And your welcome to your opinion.  It's just annoying that people put credability in what a (crappy games site) replace with Eurogamer if required.  When it's quite obvious that they are down with the PS3 and consistently up the 360 no matter what.

See what kind of scores Eurogamer gives PS3-only titles:

  • Resistance: Fall of Man - 60%
  • Metal Gear Solid 4 - 80%
  • Ratchet & Clank - 80%
  • Uncharted - 90%
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma - 70%

With Uncharted the only exception, all other games were getting much better scores by most of the big/decent review sites.  And MGS4, only got 80% compared to the average of 95% based on 59 reviews, and Resistance only got 60% compared to the average of 86% based on 70 reviews.

And theres a fair few on here that get caught up in the farce as well.  Please wake up and smell the roses!!!

then i think MS pay for them because this is some of the best titles on ps3 and its all great.


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reptile168 said:


You are blinded by Sony's marketing and potential and of course, false promises.

360's GPU has proven again and again that it's superior to the PS3'S GPU.

On the other hand, PS3's CPU has more potential than the 360, but as far as gaming is concerned, it doesn't matter.

Killzone 2 what? Haven't you seen gears of war 2? Killzone has been bullsh*t from the start.

Going by the recent screenshot comparison between GeOW and GEoW2, there isn't much in it and I would say that GeOW looks to have better sharpness and textures along with more detail than the sequel at the moment.  I know, how can this be...well at the moment at this stage of production, there isn't much in it.  Whereas if you look at an early build of R2, it looks significantly better than R1.

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

leo-j said:
HappySqurriel said:Within the first 12 months in North America the PS2 saw the release of Gran Turismo 3, Grand Theft Auto 3, Metal Gear Solid 2, and Final Fantasy X which were all representative of the graphics that the PS2 would see for the entire generation; the launch games (and cheap ports) were bad, but the games that had quality developers putting a solid effort towards got pretty close to where the best graphics would end up being.

The PS3 has been on the market for 18 months, and developers have been working on the PS3's hardware for (roughly) 3 years. So far Epic and id have had difficulties achieving better performance on the PS3 than they received on the XBox 360, and it wasn't worth Valve's time to port the (several year old) source engine; Epic, id and Valve are (potentially) the most experienced and talented game engine developers in the world and somehow after years of development have yet to achieve noticeably better performance than the XBox 360.


Then explain to me why, Uncharted, MGS4, and Killzone 2 look so much better than anything on the XBOX 360?



Because you're a HUGE ps3 fanboy. That's why.

I can very well say Gears of War, Bioshock and Mass Effect look so much better than anything on the PS3. And stop with your killzone 2 trolling.

BengaBenga said:
Skeeuk said:
NNN2004 said:
its only my opinion.


 keep it then


Tone down a bit, everyone's entitled to have and share his or her opinion.  

your absolutely right benga.




reptile168 said:
leo-j said:
eliasg said:
BrayanA said:
Another win for 360? Nothing new.


many people in the forum still believe to the SONY hype, they are just blind and cant see the truth...


Are you trying to say the 360 is equal to or more powerful than the ps3? Because thats flat out wrong.


Wow its so funny how you only talk about the GPU, and completely forget the CELL is a CPU based on working on both graphics, and physics.

edit: Apparently you havent seen killzone 2


You are blinded by Sony's marketing and potential and of course, false promises.

360's GPU has proven again and again that it's superior to the PS3'S GPU.

On the other hand, PS3's CPU has more potential than the 360, but as far as gaming is concerned, it doesn't matter.

Killzone 2 what? Haven't you seen gears of war 2? Killzone has been bullsh*t from the start.


 Proven? Yes its true the PS3's GPU is slightly weaker than the 360's GPU, but the GPU isnt the only thing that matters. Also you like every other 360 fanboy(no not saying ur a fanboy) Always say the same thing about the CELL, if the CELL has nothing to improve on the PS3 then why did SONY PUT IT IN?

Killzone 2 looks MILES better than gears 2, which looks the same as gears 1 with better lighting and more things on screen.


reptile168 said:


Because you're a HUGE ps3 fanboy. That's why.

I can very well say Gears of War, Bioshock and Mass Effect look so much better than anything on the PS3. And stop with your killzone 2 trolling.

Yes, you can say it, but it's not true.

Although GeOW, Bioshock and ME look good, they most certainly don't look as good at MGS4 and Uncharted.

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)