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Congrats to the new mods, I'm sure they'll do a great job.

Regarding the demotions, roadkillers was rarely here, so it didn't make sense to have him as a mod. Regarding FishyJoe it's a shame because I never saw him letting his bias get in the way of his moderation work. I don't know why it happened, so I'm going to assume there may have been a good reason, but nothing that I saw...

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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Was glad to read through this thread and discover a bit of the inner workings of the site and its personnel.

Would like to add that I hope Fishy continues posting on this site, I like his style (apparently his style wasn't to the liking of everyone as expressed honestly by DMeisterJ).

And of course congrats to the new mods! Was Benga out partying explaining therefore the absence of his "Week in review"? It's one of my favourite reads each week.

Elaine: I will never understand people

Jerry: They're the worst.

I'm just going to add a couple of things - mods please correct me if I'm incorrect:

1/ Anyone expecting mods to be completely unbiased, or act like a "robot" - is dead wrong. A mod should be as unbiased as possible when actually moderating - but when posting content, they are just like any other poster (just expected to know the rules, and break them less often than your run-of-the-mill poster). Everyone has some form of bias in them.

2/ I hope Fishy hangs around, and continues to post content - and I think he will. Give him a day or two to get over the shock, and I think we'll see him around and back to normal.

3/ In a way, not being a moderator makes life a lot easier. Quite surprised how many people are "begging" to actually become moderators. Remember the Spiderman quote: "With great power, comes great responsibility". Its actually quite a bit of work to do properly, and can take some time.


Anyway, as I have already said - I have been a bit slack re: moderating - but I won't be anymore (esp. since the prison walls have come down). I don't have as much time as I used when (when I used to be at work, and have nothing to do except hang around VG :P) - but I'll visit and moderate here 3-4 times a day at least.

...and... its still a couple of months off, but I'm hoping to have a nice surprise for VG & everyone here soon :)

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

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Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

Wait, what? One of the moderators is Dutch now?

Oh boy.

What happened to Fishy? I missed it, can someone explain it to me?

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Chrizum said:

What happened to Fishy? I missed it, can someone explain it to me?

Not too sure yet, shrouded in mystery.

ioi said this:

Just to clarify on this one. It is my fault I guess for not speaking to FishyJoe first but based on conversations we'd had I wanted to make a bit of a reshuffle. Fishy and roadkillers were originally taken on as contributors back when there was no distinction between a mod and a contributor.

From recent discussions with Naz, a lot of the moderator jobs have been slow to be dealt with recently so I wanted to have a bit of a reshuffle - move some people back to being contributors and move some people who have become a more integral part of the admin side of the site over to being moderators to help deal with the workload a little better. There might be a couple more similar switches yet - we also have a distinction between game db admins and mods, at the moment most game db admins are also mods but it may be more beneficial to split the two roles more and move people to concentrate on one or the other. We are also in discussions to maybe take on a couple more mods at some point - this will be an internal decision so no "make me a mod now" posts!!

Hope this explains a few things and apologies for any suprises / lack of warning!

Also, these aren't final decisions or anything personal, just trying to make the best use of the people we have who are kind enough to offer their time to help the site out

shams said:

I'm just going to add a couple of things - mods please correct me if I'm incorrect:

1/ Anyone expecting mods to be completely unbiased, or act like a "robot" - is dead wrong. A mod should be as unbiased as possible when actually moderating - but when posting content, they are just like any other poster (just expected to know the rules, and break them less often than your run-of-the-mill poster). Everyone has some form of bias in them.

2/ I hope Fishy hangs around, and continues to post content - and I think he will. Give him a day or two to get over the shock, and I think we'll see him around and back to normal.

3/ In a way, not being a moderator makes life a lot easier. Quite surprised how many people are "begging" to actually become moderators. Remember the Spiderman quote: "With great power, comes great responsibility". Its actually quite a bit of work to do properly, and can take some time.


Anyway, as I have already said - I have been a bit slack re: moderating - but I won't be anymore (esp. since the prison walls have come down). I don't have as much time as I used when (when I used to be at work, and have nothing to do except hang around VG :P) - but I'll visit and moderate here 3-4 times a day at least.

...and... its still a couple of months off, but I'm hoping to have a nice surprise for VG & everyone here soon :)

I completely agree with #1.

I completely agree with #2.

I completely agree with #3, and I will say that Naz was actually concerned I would turn down the mod position for these reasons precisely.  I don't think I've ever once shown a shred of interest in the job, and that is because I have done it before and I know whats involved.  I took the job because Naz and ioi thought I could help the site, not because I wanted power.

As Shams pointed out power and responsibility are one in the same.

To Each Man, Responsibility

Roadkillers, no longer a mod!?!?! He was like the first one here.

Well congratz to sqrl and BengaBenga.

A good decision, period.

Rolstoppable for mod NOW!