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congratz to the new mods,,,fishy joey seemed too busy with posting negative Sony news rather than modding. A mod should at least act with no/low bias even if he favors a certain console.

for example montanahatchett is a perfect example of a balanced mod,,,I honestly don't know what he favors after seeing lots of his posts.

montana I nominate you for the mod of all mods,,,is that possible?^_^




Around the Network's none of our business why FishyJoe was let go. That's a personal matter between he and ioi.

What is that ioi didn't let him know beforehand.

Of course this could all be due to some weird glitch where we find out tomorrow that sqrl and bengabenga aren't mods after all.

SpartanFX said:

congratz to the new mods,,,fishy joey seemed too busy with posting negative Sony news rather than modding. A mod should at least act with no/low bias even if he favors a certain console.

for example montanahatchett is a perfect example of a balanced mod,,,I honestly don't know what he favors after seeing lots of his posts.

montana I nominate you for the mod of all mods,,,is that possible?^_^

I'm a Sony fan at heart, but I love my Xbox 360 and Wii quite a bit (I'll get a PS3 eventually!).

Ctk: I said I don't know anything, and I certainly wouldn't be forced to provide what I know to you.




super_etecoon said:'s none of our business why FishyJoe was let go. That's a personal matter between he and ioi.

What is that ioi didn't let him know beforehand.

Of course this could all be due to some weird glitch where we find out tomorrow that sqrl and bengabenga aren't mods after all.


That is highly unlikely, but would be very funny.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

MontanaHatchet said:
SpartanFX said:

congratz to the new mods,,,fishy joey seemed too busy with posting negative Sony news rather than modding. A mod should at least act with no/low bias even if he favors a certain console.

for example montanahatchett is a perfect example of a balanced mod,,,I honestly don't know what he favors after seeing lots of his posts.

montana I nominate you for the mod of all mods,,,is that possible?^_^

I'm a Sony fan at heart, but I love my Xbox 360 and Wii quite a bit (I'll get a PS3 eventually!).

Ctk: I said I don't know anything, and I certainly wouldn't be forced to provide what I know to you.


That's ok,no need to explain anything if you don't want to.


Around the Network
SpartanFX said:

congratz to the new mods,,,fishy joey seemed too busy with posting negative Sony news rather than modding. A mod should at least act with no/low bias even if he favors a certain console.

for example montanahatchett is a perfect example of a balanced mod,,,I honestly don't know what he favors after seeing lots of his posts.

montana I nominate you for the mod of all mods,,,is that possible?^_^

Is possible but already exist, is DKII.


OK guys look, if you want to discuss the site you're more than welcome to there is nothing against it in the rules but I will warn you all right now that if people start to act like they are entitled to know about private conversations held between mods or start to become belligerent with other people on the topic I'm going to lock it and I'm going to find an excuse for my first ban.

If you want this thread to stay open and if you want to discuss this you need to do it with respect and civility, consider this the only warning you will get on this for this topic. I stuck my neck out to keep the topic open and if you screw me over for that favor I will make sure it is repaid double.


To Each Man, Responsibility
SpartanFX said:

congratz to the new mods,,,fishy joey seemed too busy with posting negative Sony news rather than modding. A mod should at least act with no/low bias even if he favors a certain console.

for example montanahatchett is a perfect example of a balanced mod,,,I honestly don't know what he favors after seeing lots of his posts.

montana I nominate you for the mod of all mods,,,is that possible?^_^

Is possible but already exist, is DKII.


Actually I would be mod of mods.  Forum Administrator being my official title.  DKII is site manager.  He doesn't really deal with mod affairs much.


Sqrl said:
OK guys look, if you want to discuss the site you're more than welcome to there is nothing against it in the rules but I will warn you all right now that if people start to act like they are entitled to know about private conversations held between mods or start to become belligerent with other people on the topic I'm going to lock it and I'm going to find an excuse for my first ban.

If you want this thread to stay open and if you want to discuss this you need to do it with respect and civility, consider this the only warning you will get on this for this topic. I stuck my neck out to keep the topic open and if you screw me over for that favor I will make sure it is repaid in double.


Cheers, Sqrl.

Congratulations on your modship.  I know we'll be in good hands...

and since you're closer to the sun that is ioi now...

maybe you could take a look at this:

I know you love your chartz.


naznatips said:
SpartanFX said:

congratz to the new mods,,,fishy joey seemed too busy with posting negative Sony news rather than modding. A mod should at least act with no/low bias even if he favors a certain console.

for example montanahatchett is a perfect example of a balanced mod,,,I honestly don't know what he favors after seeing lots of his posts.

montana I nominate you for the mod of all mods,,,is that possible?^_^

Is possible but already exist, is DKII.


Actually I would be mod of mods.  Forum Administrator being my official title.  DKII is site manager.  He doesn't really deal with mod affairs much.


Oh Naznatips, his criteria was clearly awesomeness.