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Torillian said:
Oh Montana....yer my idol.....sign my Okami plushy ^^


Post a picture of it and I'll see what I can do...



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dtewi said:
Fanboyism can be mild or extreme.

In his case, he was extremely biased.

There is still no reason why I can't be a mod other than the fact that I am begging too much right now.


 Why dont you ask zackblue the same question? He wanted to be a mod, and was contributing greatly to the site.


dtewi said:
Because it worked wonders for you ;).


I know you're joking...

But I would be a horrible mod.

Today I would have banned at least 10 people.


Well done to Sqrl and Benga Benga on their promotion to modship.

i really haven't seen anything that warrant a ban, but i suspect a few people got warned.
This is truly my favorite site right now, it's a pleasure and  i  laugh all day. Thank you guys.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
Around the Network
psrock said:

i really haven't seen anything that warrant a ban, but i suspect a few people got warned.
This is truly my favorite site right now, it's a pleasure and  i  laugh all day. Thank you guys.



I was warned several times, 1 for being sarcastic, and something else.


RolStoppable said:
super_etecoon said:
dtewi said:
Because it worked wonders for you ;).


I know you're joking...

But I would be a horrible mod.

Today I would have banned at least 10 people.


Why would that make you a horrible mod? To be honest, I would have done the same. Especially because my time as mod would be limited since naznatips said if I were ever to become a mod he would have to ban me.

I wonder if the mods have secret lists tucked away of people they would ban if they ever knew they were getting demoted.  I wonder if Fishy got to take a few out before he got the axe.


super_etecoon said:
RolStoppable said:
super_etecoon said:
dtewi said:
Because it worked wonders for you ;).


I know you're joking...

But I would be a horrible mod.

Today I would have banned at least 10 people.


Why would that make you a horrible mod? To be honest, I would have done the same. Especially because my time as mod would be limited since naznatips said if I were ever to become a mod he would have to ban me.

I wonder if the mods have secret lists tucked away of people they would ban if they ever knew they were getting demoted.  I wonder if Fishy got to take a few out before he got the axe.


I bet they all have lists of people they would ban.  Fishyjoe i bet has everyone that said they liked the PS3 on his list


leo-j said:
dtewi said:
Fanboyism can be mild or extreme.

In his case, he was extremely biased.

There is still no reason why I can't be a mod other than the fact that I am begging too much right now.


 Why dont you ask zackblue the same question? He wanted to be a mod, and was contributing greatly to the site.



The problem with ZB is that he was and alt-account and a fake person, you really are not like that you posted like that in order to be a mod, but you are not like that and all of us know it...


And well, congratulations with the two new mods... don't ban me... :P

By me:

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

We still need more congratulating.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089