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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rumor: Kingdom Hearts 3 to be revealed next month

If the Wii gets a kingdom hearts game I would bet its a spinoff and not part of the main series (like crystal chronicles). Alternately they might be doing the DQ thing and porting it over to the DS. It seems very unlikely that they'll send it to the Wii as none of the main Square properties seem to ever head to Nintendo systems (probably helped by Sony owning about 10% of the company from when they bailed Square out after Final Fantasy Spirits Within bombed). I would be very annoyed if it went to the Wii TBH not just because it would leave the Sony system, but also because it limits the improvements that can be made to the graphics/game.

A KH crystal chronicles type thing though would be fine, I never care if little offshoots come out.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

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I don't think they'll announce KH3, for ANY platform (though I am strongly against a KH3 Wii).

Reasons why:
- The 3 "chain of memories" for this generation (i.e tie-in games) have yet to be released yet, so why would they announce KH3 before those are released. I am well aware that KH2 and Chain of Memories had announcements around or at the same time, but doesn't mean jack (or else KH3 would be announced at that time).

- Nomura is busy. Let's see, he's doing FFXIII and VS, Dissidia, the 3 KH tie-ins and other projects. No doubt kingdom hearts 3 has start production in some shape or form, BUT seeing as how the mastermind behind KH is off doing other things, I doubt much would get done (or at least at a much slower pace because they'd need his approval). But that doesn't completely cross out the chance of an announcement though.

- Probably the most important one: FFXIII. S-E has not doubt got something FFXIII related at E3, why would a company that chooses to release it's 2 biggest franchises in separate periods in order for them not to clash into each other sales wise (DQ and FF) choose to announce a big title (KH3) when they are trying to build momentum for FFXIII. KH3 announcment will chop off the legs of any FFXIII material brought to E3 because it'll be overshadowed.