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I don't think they'll announce KH3, for ANY platform (though I am strongly against a KH3 Wii).

Reasons why:
- The 3 "chain of memories" for this generation (i.e tie-in games) have yet to be released yet, so why would they announce KH3 before those are released. I am well aware that KH2 and Chain of Memories had announcements around or at the same time, but doesn't mean jack (or else KH3 would be announced at that time).

- Nomura is busy. Let's see, he's doing FFXIII and VS, Dissidia, the 3 KH tie-ins and other projects. No doubt kingdom hearts 3 has start production in some shape or form, BUT seeing as how the mastermind behind KH is off doing other things, I doubt much would get done (or at least at a much slower pace because they'd need his approval). But that doesn't completely cross out the chance of an announcement though.

- Probably the most important one: FFXIII. S-E has not doubt got something FFXIII related at E3, why would a company that chooses to release it's 2 biggest franchises in separate periods in order for them not to clash into each other sales wise (DQ and FF) choose to announce a big title (KH3) when they are trying to build momentum for FFXIII. KH3 announcment will chop off the legs of any FFXIII material brought to E3 because it'll be overshadowed.