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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Edge: Ninja Gaiden II walks all over DMC 4 and God of War

el_rika said:
I like DMC4 best. It has a gorgeous fighting engine, very deep and intuitive at the same time, while having an entertaining story and amazing graphics. NG2 is good too, though it lacks compared to DMC4 especially in story and graphics.

GOW is for casuals, flash without substance, it doesn't even count.


What the hell are you talking about, GOW has flash and substance. More than DMC4 anyways. For the record im no casual player, get your facts straight.

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It's pretty funny that whenever a magazine or reviewer says something that goes against your opinions they are immediately labeled as bias or shills for "company xyz". Maybe the reviewer gave his "critical opinion" on a series and that's what he believes. Just because you don't agree with what he/she says doesn't make it any less valid.  Heaven forbid somebody compare a game series to another of similar genre.  Let me ask, if the games were reveresed would you be so quick to call them bias?

There is a reason why Edge is one of the top tier respected mags as far as game reviews go and one of ones I trust the most. They don't get down on their knees to every blockbuster game that comes out and that earns my respect.

The action beat-em-up genre is probably my favorite type of game and I happen to agree with him. I've played all 3 series to death except GoW which I only played through once. It's a good game but I didn't enjoy the combat much at all.

If you say that NG2 is just Sigma pt 2 then you've honestly never played the second series or just tried to button mash your way through them. I've completed Black/Sigma about 4 times through and already through NG2 twice. Graphics, combat, enemy variety, and weapon balance are all miles above what was in the first installment. Some things are reduced (puzzles, platforming, accessories, and raw number of weapons) but it's like they trimmed all the excess off the original and streamlined the combat to something that is far above the other series.

DMC and GoW are good games and they offer things that NG doesn't have but for raw combat gameplay they don't compete to be honest.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection
jasonnc80 said:

It's pretty funny that whenever a magazine or reviewer says something that goes against your opinions they are immediately labeled as bias or shills for "company xyz". Maybe the reviewer gave his "critical opinion" on a series and that's what he believes. Just because you don't agree with what he/she says doesn't make it any less valid.  Heaven forbid somebody compare a game series to another of similar genre.  Let me ask, if the games were reveresed would you be so quick to call them bias?

There is a reason why Edge is one of the top tier respected mags as far as game reviews go and one of ones I trust the most.

The action beat-em-up genre is probably my favorite type of game and I happen to agree with him. I've played all 3 series to death except GoW which I only played through once. It's a good game but I didn't enjoy the combat much at all.

If you say that NG2 is just Sigma pt 2 then you've honestly never played the second series or just tried to button mash your way through them. I've completed Black/Sigma about 4 times through and already through NG2 twice. Graphics, combat, enemy variety, and weapon balance are all miles above what was in the first installment. Some things are reduced (puzzles, platforming, accessories, and raw number of weapons) but it's like they trimmed all the excess off the original and streamlined the combat to something that is far above the other series.

DMC and GoW are good games and they offer things that NG doesn't have but for raw combat gameplay they don't compete to be honest.


 I think you missed the point.

PooperScooper said:
jasonnc80 said:

It's pretty funny that whenever a magazine or reviewer says something that goes against your opinions they are immediately labeled as bias or shills for "company xyz". Maybe the reviewer gave his "critical opinion" on a series and that's what he believes. Just because you don't agree with what he/she says doesn't make it any less valid.  Heaven forbid somebody compare a game series to another of similar genre.  Let me ask, if the games were reveresed would you be so quick to call them bias?

There is a reason why Edge is one of the top tier respected mags as far as game reviews go and one of ones I trust the most.

The action beat-em-up genre is probably my favorite type of game and I happen to agree with him. I've played all 3 series to death except GoW which I only played through once. It's a good game but I didn't enjoy the combat much at all.

If you say that NG2 is just Sigma pt 2 then you've honestly never played the second series or just tried to button mash your way through them. I've completed Black/Sigma about 4 times through and already through NG2 twice. Graphics, combat, enemy variety, and weapon balance are all miles above what was in the first installment. Some things are reduced (puzzles, platforming, accessories, and raw number of weapons) but it's like they trimmed all the excess off the original and streamlined the combat to something that is far above the other series.

DMC and GoW are good games and they offer things that NG doesn't have but for raw combat gameplay they don't compete to be honest.


 I think you missed the point.

How did I miss the point?

I was responding to the point made in the very topic of this thread?

If it was about the quote about "gamers should be thanking microsoft for hardcore games" then I didn't respond because I don't agree with that and think that point has already been talked about quite a bit in the thread.


Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

NG2 = good game but (less than) DMC4 & GOW in sales & critcal review & gamers eyes & graphics & sound & story.

EDGE = fanboys

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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Haven't played NG2 or DMC 4. GOW was just your average game of that genre. They're all the same that i've played.

CrazzyMan said:

Now it`s clear, why MGS4 got 8 from them, lol. =)

Yeah, NG2 is masterpiece in terms of fighting mechanics, BUT:
weak graphics
frame rate problems
weak story

these cons overall make NG2 to be just a good game, nothing more.

Camera - no problem for the people who liked the previous games.

Weak graphics - are you kidding me?

Sub-hd - that never had any impact on reviews, and it's not gonna start having it now.

Framerate problems - MGS4 also has them, doesn't change much.

Weak story - no one plays this game for the story, just like other great games such as SMG. It's a hack-n-slash game.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

antfromtashkent said:
Cougarman said:
they like ninja gaiden 2 more then DDMC and GOW thats their opinion i can accept that, but the hardcore and microsoft bit is bull

GOW was last gen >.<


It's not like the hack and slash adventure genre has really evolved at all gameplay wise.  Which is what they're talking about.


Kasz216 said:
antfromtashkent said:
Cougarman said:
they like ninja gaiden 2 more then DDMC and GOW thats their opinion i can accept that, but the hardcore and microsoft bit is bull

GOW was last gen >.<


It's not like the hack and slash adventure genre has really evolved at all gameplay wise.  Which is what they're talking about.


Hack-n-slash is about combat, Ninja Gaiden has most definitely evolved the combat system. It's miles above the other games in the genre and NG2 does improve upon its predecessor.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Skeeuk said:

NG2 = good game but (less than) DMC4 & GOW in sales & critcal review & gamers eyes & graphics & sound & story.

EDGE = fanboys

The quote taken out of context was about the combat fighting system between the 3 games, not the sales, critical review, graphics, sound or story lol.

Way to react to a single flamebait quote and not read the article at all

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection