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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Edge: Ninja Gaiden II walks all over DMC 4 and God of War

jasonnc80 said:
PooperScooper said:
jasonnc80 said:

It's pretty funny that whenever a magazine or reviewer says something that goes against your opinions they are immediately labeled as bias or shills for "company xyz". Maybe the reviewer gave his "critical opinion" on a series and that's what he believes. Just because you don't agree with what he/she says doesn't make it any less valid.  Heaven forbid somebody compare a game series to another of similar genre.  Let me ask, if the games were reveresed would you be so quick to call them bias?

There is a reason why Edge is one of the top tier respected mags as far as game reviews go and one of ones I trust the most.

The action beat-em-up genre is probably my favorite type of game and I happen to agree with him. I've played all 3 series to death except GoW which I only played through once. It's a good game but I didn't enjoy the combat much at all.

If you say that NG2 is just Sigma pt 2 then you've honestly never played the second series or just tried to button mash your way through them. I've completed Black/Sigma about 4 times through and already through NG2 twice. Graphics, combat, enemy variety, and weapon balance are all miles above what was in the first installment. Some things are reduced (puzzles, platforming, accessories, and raw number of weapons) but it's like they trimmed all the excess off the original and streamlined the combat to something that is far above the other series.

DMC and GoW are good games and they offer things that NG doesn't have but for raw combat gameplay they don't compete to be honest.


 I think you missed the point.

How did I miss the point?

I was responding to the point made in the very topic of this thread?

If it was about the quote about "gamers should be thanking microsoft for hardcore games" then I didn't respond because I don't agree with that and think that point has already been talked about quite a bit in the thread.


Their credibility is effected because of what they said. Sure they are allowed their opinions, but right when they said that about MS you have to question their credibility. That was a quite biased comment and it negatively effects their journalism credibility. Now since they are less credible are they saying it's better because they are biased? Another thing is how they worded it. They can think its better. Hell that's their opinion, but right when you say "it walks all over" you have to question them again.

1. Look at sales (Gamers)

2. Look at other reviewers

They both disagree.

You can't have such a strong statement in your reviews if you don't want people arguing with you. I'm sure it wouldn't have been as much of an issue if he just said "This game is more action packed than DMC4 and Gow. I find the aspects in NG2 better than the others"

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I've seen plenty of comments from graphics whores, but I never thought I'd see they day this game gets slagged off for "weak graphics":

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
CrazzyMan said:

Now it`s clear, why MGS4 got 8 from them, lol. =)

Yeah, NG2 is masterpiece in terms of fighting mechanics, BUT:
weak graphics
frame rate problems
weak story

these cons overall make NG2 to be just a good game, nothing more.

Camera - no problem for the people who liked the previous games.

Weak graphics - are you kidding me?

Sub-hd - that never had any impact on reviews, and it's not gonna start having it now.

Framerate problems - MGS4 also has them, doesn't change much.

Weak story - no one plays this game for the story, just like other great games such as SMG. It's a hack-n-slash game.



The top WW Ninja Gaiden players worldwide were complaining about the camera in Black and Sigma already.

I don't mean the hardcore wanna be at Edge, I mean the Iberians realms folks that have the top karma score WW both on Black and Sigma.

So saying there are no camera issues is pushing it...

From what I read there too they like the game but have a lot more complains with it that they did with Black or Sigma ( infinite karma glitch crap for example).

Here are some of their complains :

Dear Tecmo and Team Ninja,
We write to you today to applaud your efforts and hard work in bringing to us the latest installment of Ninja Gaiden. As long term fans, we assure you that the graphics, design and story line set the stage for intense and pleasurable game play throughout the 14 chapters. is a community of fans that have been active since the first XBOX release. Our site is home to some of the world’s best players and has a thriving bulletin board presence. Our domain logs over 900,000 hits a month from over 20 countries. We have been ranked by Alexa within the top 339,000 sites in the world. We are proud to make a home based on one of the best action games of all times. In this spirit we offer you expert insight in to some fail points in NG2 and seek critical corrections to this epic game.
As many players quickly found, there are numerous exploits and glitches in the game that skew legitimate scores, slow down game play and allow for wide variations in leader board standings. The following issues have come to the forefront:

Gameplay Issues:
1. No time limits on the enemy encounters. This leads to abuse of level 1 UT and level 2 UT on enemies by merely roll jumping away or hiding behind poles, etc.
2. Game play on Master Ninja difficulty level allows an exploit for unlimited karma. The jelly fish in chapter 9 infinitely respawn and add to karma. This is a huge issue that skews the scores on the XBL leader board. How does anyone know that the scores are honest scores now?!
3. Boss AI is inconsistent and in some cases are able to be beat with simple "Y" attacks. In other encounters, Bosses remain out of reach for long periods of time. Vary the techniques required to hit them too. Virtually every boss is the same.
4. Slowdown - there are places when the game slows down to a crawl(or stop). Usually occurs when numerous enemies are on the screen.
5. Since we are being spammed with projectiles, our attacks should be able to block them (like Murai blocked shurikens), at least provide come coverage. Same thing goes for Melee attacks (done to us), where ever our weapon is, that should provide coverage for that location (if that makes any sense).
6. Enemies shouldn't shoot/throw projectiles if they're not shown onscreen.
7. Players auto-aim should only work if the enemy is shown onscreen.
8. Dash should have a bit more invulnerability frames. It should also be a bit more responsive or tone down Ryu's guard stun.
9. Give the ability to counter certain throws
10. Fix item placement on all difficulties. Why am I getting a chest containing a Reverse Wind scroll and an enemy holding an OT note when I'm playing through MN? If I made it to MN then I obviously already know how to play the game. Give me something useful.
11. Countering feels a little inconsistent.
12. Give the option to save the healing ability from save statues.

1. Ninja Cinema doesn't always play what has been recorded.
2. Once a boss has been defeated, they disappear so you can't proceed which means you must start the fight over. Volf is an example of this. When he disappears, it doesn't trigger the cut scene and Ryu is left running around with nothing to do.
3. While saving, I had a saving error. However, none of my gamesaves were affected. However, my number of skulls and gameplay time (in options) were reset.

Graphical Issues:
1. Invisible Armadillo.
2. Disappearing/reappearing Elizabet.
3. Chapter 5 boss invisible.

External Issues:
1. Leader board is only set to total score and does not break down by difficulty level. This does not allow players to compare scores on specific levels of game play. Sigma has a great leaderboard.

1. We NEED Mission Mode - that will increase its replay value 10-fold.

We hope you take this information in the positive spirit it was intended. You have a resource with our community and we offer our expertise in hopes you will correct the listed issues through a patch or update. It will only serve to strengthen your loyal customer base throughout the global market.
If there is anything we can do to clarify our communication, please let us know. Feel free to contact us at we will be honored to assist in making NG2 an epic for all time.
IberianWarrior on behalf of the 1000 members of IberiansForum


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !


Sorry if I made it seem like the camera is perfect, it's obviously not. And yeah, the game has bugs and the most picky gamers will always find some (same reason top SSBB players don't play with any character). My point was just that CrazzyMan was spewing the usual bullshit to slag off a game that he most likely didn't even play, and to try justifying low review scores with things which aren't relevant.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:

I don't know about DMC, but next to Ninja Gaiden, God of War is an easier and much slower game. If you prefer puzzles and story to gameplay, you'll probably have the opposite opinion though.

Nothing comes close to Ninja Gaiden in terms of combat system, that's for sure.



 GOW slower, didn't feel like that to me (because i kept dying in Ninja Gaiden). But God of war 2 is fast paced, it felt like that to me. And Ninja Gaiden is definetly harder. But God of War can be hard as well, especially at Titan mode.

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

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Kratos said:
NJ5 said:

I don't know about DMC, but next to Ninja Gaiden, God of War is an easier and much slower game. If you prefer puzzles and story to gameplay, you'll probably have the opposite opinion though.

Nothing comes close to Ninja Gaiden in terms of combat system, that's for sure.



 GOW slower, didn't feel like that to me (because i kept dying in Ninja Gaiden). But God of war 2 is fast paced, it felt like that to me. And Ninja Gaiden is definetly harder. But God of War can be hard as well, especially at Titan mode.

I didn't mean the pace of the game, I meant the action itself.

Maybe God of War is hard in the hardest difficulty, but NG is already hard in the normal difficulty (or for the regular gamer, even in the lowest one). There's no doubt that NG is a much harder game.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:


Sorry if I made it seem like the camera is perfect, it's obviously not. And yeah, the game has bugs and the most picky gamers will always find some (same reason top SSBB players don't play with any character). My point was just that CrazzyMan was spewing the usual bullshit to slag off a game that he most likely didn't even play, and to try justifying low review scores with things which aren't relevant.



I would buy the game if I had a 360 for sure, but those aren't picky gamers, those are the die-hard Ninja Gaiden fans :)

I know I spent probably 200 hours on Sigma, pretty much everyone on Iberian realm has spent 500h+ on the game and they can pretty much quote from memory any part of either game..

I think my main issue is Edge defines the game as the epitome of the hardcore and it is actually where it fails compared to NG Black or Sigma ( a defective scoring system that can be exploited is pretty much the worse thing that can happen for a hardcore player, when you spend 30 hours on a run to improve your score nothing is going to annoy you more than glitches that allow people to cheat...)


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:
NJ5 said:


Sorry if I made it seem like the camera is perfect, it's obviously not. And yeah, the game has bugs and the most picky gamers will always find some (same reason top SSBB players don't play with any character). My point was just that CrazzyMan was spewing the usual bullshit to slag off a game that he most likely didn't even play, and to try justifying low review scores with things which aren't relevant.



I would buy the game if I had a 360 for sure, but those aren't picky gamers, those are the die-hard Ninja Gaiden fans :)

I know I spent probably 200 hours on Sigma, pretty much everyone on Iberian realm has spent 500h+ on the game and they can pretty much quote from memory any part of either game..

I think my main issue is Edge defines the game as the epitome of the hardcore and it is actually where it fails compared to NG Black or Sigma ( a defective scoring system that can be exploited is pretty much the worse thing that can happen for a hardcore player..)


Come on, that's a bug, not something which will affect reviews or most people... I had never heard about that, it's obviously something that about 0.01% (number pulled out of my ass) of all the people who played the game know about.

I wouldn't call the people who find those bugs "hardcore". I'm not even sure there's a word for them ;)


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

PooperScooper said:
jasonnc80 said:
PooperScooper said:
jasonnc80 said:

It's pretty funny that whenever a magazine or reviewer says something that goes against your opinions they are immediately labeled as bias or shills for "company xyz". Maybe the reviewer gave his "critical opinion" on a series and that's what he believes. Just because you don't agree with what he/she says doesn't make it any less valid.  Heaven forbid somebody compare a game series to another of similar genre.  Let me ask, if the games were reveresed would you be so quick to call them bias?

There is a reason why Edge is one of the top tier respected mags as far as game reviews go and one of ones I trust the most.

The action beat-em-up genre is probably my favorite type of game and I happen to agree with him. I've played all 3 series to death except GoW which I only played through once. It's a good game but I didn't enjoy the combat much at all.

If you say that NG2 is just Sigma pt 2 then you've honestly never played the second series or just tried to button mash your way through them. I've completed Black/Sigma about 4 times through and already through NG2 twice. Graphics, combat, enemy variety, and weapon balance are all miles above what was in the first installment. Some things are reduced (puzzles, platforming, accessories, and raw number of weapons) but it's like they trimmed all the excess off the original and streamlined the combat to something that is far above the other series.

DMC and GoW are good games and they offer things that NG doesn't have but for raw combat gameplay they don't compete to be honest.


 I think you missed the point.

How did I miss the point?

I was responding to the point made in the very topic of this thread?

If it was about the quote about "gamers should be thanking microsoft for hardcore games" then I didn't respond because I don't agree with that and think that point has already been talked about quite a bit in the thread.


Their credibility is effected because of what they said. Sure they are allowed their opinions, but right when they said that about MS you have to question their credibility. That was a quite biased comment and it negatively effects their journalism credibility. Now since they are less credible are they saying it's better because they are biased? Another thing is how they worded it. They can think its better. Hell that's their opinion, but right when you say "it walks all over" you have to question them again.

1. Look at sales (Gamers)

2. Look at other reviewers

They both disagree.

You can't have such a strong statement in your reviews if you don't want people arguing with you. I'm sure it wouldn't have been as much of an issue if he just said "This game is more action packed than DMC4 and Gow. I find the aspects in NG2 better than the others"


1. So sales defines quality now?  By EDGE's own definition NG is a more hardcore game so that would probably mean sales would be less no?  It's not that far off pace from 360's DMC4 sales but I would expect it to sale much less anyway.  The DMC series sold to a much larger userbase last gen and is less "hardcore" then the NG series.  You're fooling yourself if even at high 90% reviews that NG would have sold more then DMC.  I'm not including GoW sales because there isn't a next gen installment but like DMC they sold to a large userbase last gen and will probably do blockbuster sales on the PS3 with it's next installment because of it.  It also appeals to a bigger audience so even without that userbase sales would probably be higher.

2. Reviews (taken from gamerankings):

Next Gen titles:
DMC - 83.7%
NG2 - 83.5%

Last Gen titles:
NG Black - 94.0%
GOW1 - 93.2%
GOW2 - 92.6%
DMC 1 - 92.3%
NG Original - 92.1%
DMC 3 - 84.1%
DMC 2 - 73.0%


EDGE has always been very harsh in their reviews and commentary.  If you've read them for a time you've probably seen quotes and statements like this before.  Maybe not specifically but they are there.  Like I said I disagree with that part of the article but to completely label them as biased and a shill from one quote seems to be overreacting much?  I commend your post though it was much better expressed and written then a lot from this thread.  I just happen to think it was a flamebait topic to begin with. 

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection
jasonnc80 said:

It's pretty funny that whenever a magazine or reviewer says something that goes against your opinions they are immediately labeled as bias or shills for "company xyz". Maybe the reviewer gave his "critical opinion" on a series and that's what he believes. Just because you don't agree with what he/she says doesn't make it any less valid.  Heaven forbid somebody compare a game series to another of similar genre.  Let me ask, if the games were reveresed would you be so quick to call them bias?

There is a reason why Edge is one of the top tier respected mags as far as game reviews go and one of ones I trust the most. They don't get down on their knees to every blockbuster game that comes out and that earns my respect.

The action beat-em-up genre is probably my favorite type of game and I happen to agree with him. I've played all 3 series to death except GoW which I only played through once. It's a good game but I didn't enjoy the combat much at all.

If you say that NG2 is just Sigma pt 2 then you've honestly never played the second series or just tried to button mash your way through them. I've completed Black/Sigma about 4 times through and already through NG2 twice. Graphics, combat, enemy variety, and weapon balance are all miles above what was in the first installment. Some things are reduced (puzzles, platforming, accessories, and raw number of weapons) but it's like they trimmed all the excess off the original and streamlined the combat to something that is far above the other series.

DMC and GoW are good games and they offer things that NG doesn't have but for raw combat gameplay they don't compete to be honest.


Actually you are quite right, they may not get down on their knees to every blockbuster game, but for Microsoft they do get down on their knees.