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jasonnc80 said:

It's pretty funny that whenever a magazine or reviewer says something that goes against your opinions they are immediately labeled as bias or shills for "company xyz". Maybe the reviewer gave his "critical opinion" on a series and that's what he believes. Just because you don't agree with what he/she says doesn't make it any less valid.  Heaven forbid somebody compare a game series to another of similar genre.  Let me ask, if the games were reveresed would you be so quick to call them bias?

There is a reason why Edge is one of the top tier respected mags as far as game reviews go and one of ones I trust the most.

The action beat-em-up genre is probably my favorite type of game and I happen to agree with him. I've played all 3 series to death except GoW which I only played through once. It's a good game but I didn't enjoy the combat much at all.

If you say that NG2 is just Sigma pt 2 then you've honestly never played the second series or just tried to button mash your way through them. I've completed Black/Sigma about 4 times through and already through NG2 twice. Graphics, combat, enemy variety, and weapon balance are all miles above what was in the first installment. Some things are reduced (puzzles, platforming, accessories, and raw number of weapons) but it's like they trimmed all the excess off the original and streamlined the combat to something that is far above the other series.

DMC and GoW are good games and they offer things that NG doesn't have but for raw combat gameplay they don't compete to be honest.


 I think you missed the point.