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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Edge: Ninja Gaiden II walks all over DMC 4 and God of War

NJ5 said:
Euphoria14 said:
NJ5 said:

Nah... If someone bashed God of War for lack puzzles or DMC for lack of flash I'm pretty sure they'd be called on. The same way anyone gets called on for bashing Ninja Gaiden for button mashing (that's you).


That is why I believe I may have worded it wrong in terms of "button mashing" but in terms of hack and slash games, alot of them can be completed with some sort of continous hitting of 1-2 buttons.

As the case with games like DMC/GOW/Heavenly Sword. (HS is a bad example as it was extremely easy)

If I am wrong this weekend I am wrong. No problem.

I'm still going to play it.


Backtracking already?

I'm done here.


In Euphoria's defense (I don't think he needs mine or anything) but sometimes time between playing a game will change our opinion & memories on it.  I didn't think NG2 was that much different myself from the original because I haven't played it since Black which was several years ago.  I went back and started playing Sigma after I bought NG2 and really notice and appreciate the differences now.


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NJ5 said:
FYI, the Ninja Gaiden tournaments I mentioned were single-player. There's no multiplayer mode on this game (although I'm trying to hack it, NGB that is).


I would without a doubt need to play it more. I stopped playing in Chapter 11. I just started that mission now.

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DMeisterJ said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
How come everyone sticking up for GoW and DMC are known Sony fanboys?

I stuck up for God of War, but Ninja Gaiden is worse than it (I know you'll say otherwise, you hate Jaffe and God of War), but still...

Ninja Gaiden is good, but not overly so. It's on par with DMC4 to me.

If you're talking about Ninja Gaiden 1, Black or Sigma, then what you say is sacrilige, lol.

If you say Ninja Gaiden 2, then I respect your opinion.


Again, when I consider this genre, I want a few things. Difficulty, depth, and boss battles. Now, DMC4, unfortunately is much easier than previous games in the series.

Most hardcore fans consider DMC3: Special Edition not just a great action game, but one of the best games ever made. You'll find that DMC3 got low ratings for its diffficulty and camera just like NG2.

DMC4 obviously tried to casualize the series, which went far in making it more popular, but also took away what I feel was the heart of what made DMC3 so special. The depth and difficutly.


As for God of War, you know how I feel. The games isn't even an action game. It's a story-based puzzler, with mediocre action elements implimented. The game is narritive driven, and very rarely will it resort to making you clunk your way through with real battles, but instead give you context sensative battle scenerios.

This is fine and good, but if you are looking for an action title, God of War isn't one. Sure it has action, but you control the coolest bits of it by pressing Triangle, Square, Circle, X, and Analog Stick circle when they appear on the screen, and not by actually fighting, most of the time.

What kills the game as even casual fun to me is the block puzzles and the like that have you kicking crap around and pulling levers. That's just not a fun time, lol, and I actually find myself getting stuck on those games, if you can actually believe it. I see what he was trying to do, but at the same time, I disagree with it from its conception.


Know this, however:

Each weapon in NG2 has a move list longer than the average Tekken fighter.

Each boss can have a finishing move put on it and killed very quickly if you have skill, or kill you a million times if you go in blindly.

Here is a video of the first boss, please watch it:


Now, the game IS as good as that looks. So, don't believe that Ninja Gaiden 2 isn't fantastic. Just have faith that the games you like are better for the entire audience of people who would play them, while NG2 is the far superior game for the audience it is aimed at, which is DMC3 and NGS fans who want a deeper, longer, and more well fleshed out experience.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Pristine20 said:

I think people are more offended by the fact that the reviewer had to go as far as to start licking M$'s butt cheeks. i prefer NG as well. That was the only reason i bought the original xbox but to suggest that the hardcore should worship M$ is just blasphemy! Do these people even know what defines a hardcore gamer?



Yeah, I was a little offended by that as well, but I've maintained from the start that NG2 was under-rated because it was targeted at hardcore fans of the genre, which reviewers are not.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Edge also encourages hardcore gamers to fully support Microsoft, because without them, hardcore gaming could be a thing of the past."
Let`s THANK M$ for rushed games. =))
Okay, so I've been really enjoying the game - it's a remarkable step up from the original Ninja Gaiden, but a lot of alarm bells have been going off in my head after noticing there's heaps of framerate drops in the game, and it's rather jarring. At first, I noticed the cutscenes were reduced in terms of framerate - which was no biggy. Secondly, when we first met Alexei - his lightning effects were really sub-par, like PSX style animation. It's not a big thing, but it kinda ruins the effect the game goes for.

I'm currently in Chapter 10 (the one where you fight Elizabeta at the end) and I noticed something horrendous. Not only did I spend most of the chapter in about 10fps, I got to this staircase, where about 50-100 people swarmed me.

The game slowed down to an absolute crawl. So I try using an Eclipse Ultimate Technique. Sure, it worked, but I don't think I've ever seen anything like this since I filled a room up with remote mines in Goldeneye and detonated it. The game slowed down, almost freezing! The sound reminded me of GE too.

Every 5 seconds on earth one child dies from hunger...

2009.04.30 - PS3 will OUTSELL x360 atleast by the middle of 2010. Japan+Europe > NA.

Gran Turismo 3 - 1,06 mln. in 3 weeks with around 4 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Gran Turismo 4 - 1,16 mln. with 18 mln. PS2 on the launch.

Final Fantasy X - around 2 mln. with 5 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Final Fantasy X-2 - 2.4 mln. with 12 mln. PS2 on the launch.


1.8 mln. PS3 today(2008.01.17) in Japan. Now(2009.04.30) 3.16 mln. PS3 were sold in Japan.
PS3 will reach 4 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 25k.

PS3 may reach 5 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 50k.
PS2 2001 vs PS3 2008 sales numbers =) + New games released in Japan by 2009 that passed 100k so far

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weezy said:

Seriously. You gotta be a man to play Ninjagaiden. GoW and DMC are a 12 year old boy's fantasy. aka, for wimps.


1.Ninja Gaiden*best*

2.Devil May Crap.*ok*

3.Todd of War*wimp*


btw the thread title should have been,


Ninja Gaiden II shits all over DMC 4 and God of War

Nice trolling. Consider this your warning.




Desroko said:
jasonnc80 said:
The only reason the second has been deemed easier IMO is because of the replenishing health and healing save points. In the first game if you barely made it out of your battle with little health the scarcity of potions and shops made surviving your next battle much harder. This was very evident in the beginning of the game where you fought several boss fights close to one another and is what turned off a lot of people from the game.

The actual enemy encounters in the second game are much harder then the first. I've played every iteration of the game NG/Black/Sigma/NG2.

The only thing they added in Sigma over Black was a easier difficulty (which you may have played on) and a few extra save points. They also added the ability to jump and shoot arrows which helps with some of the gun wielding enemies later in the game especially the Tairon grenadiers and RPG enemies.



I actually thought that Genshin and Zedonius, to name two, were terribly easy compared to, say, Doku. The only bosses that ave me real trouble were the New York boss and the giant skeleton, mostly because they spam unlockable grabs over and over.

I'm not to familiar with all the names of the bosses from both games....honestly the story is a lot of an afterthought ;)

But I agree that some of the bosses are easier in the second game then the first.  I haven't had much trouble with any of the bosses in NG2 yet.  Some of them were just annoying in NG1.  I'm playing #2 on normal atm and at chapter 12 so close to the end now.


Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection
CrazzyMan said:
Edge also encourages hardcore gamers to fully support Microsoft, because without them, hardcore gaming could be a thing of the past."
Let`s THANK M$ for rushed games. =))
Okay, so I've been really enjoying the game - it's a remarkable step up from the original Ninja Gaiden, but a lot of alarm bells have been going off in my head after noticing there's heaps of framerate drops in the game, and it's rather jarring. At first, I noticed the cutscenes were reduced in terms of framerate - which was no biggy. Secondly, when we first met Alexei - his lightning effects were really sub-par, like PSX style animation. It's not a big thing, but it kinda ruins the effect the game goes for.

I'm currently in Chapter 10 (the one where you fight Elizabeta at the end) and I noticed something horrendous. Not only did I spend most of the chapter in about 10fps, I got to this staircase, where about 50-100 people swarmed me.

The game slowed down to an absolute crawl. So I try using an Eclipse Ultimate Technique. Sure, it worked, but I don't think I've ever seen anything like this since I filled a room up with remote mines in Goldeneye and detonated it. The game slowed down, almost freezing! The sound reminded me of GE too.


Just in defense of the framerate, the game actually never drops below 20 unless your in 1080p, unless you have the recording feature on. Either one of those things could have caused that posters experience.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Well, I'll say one final thing on the subject, I think this was lost in my last post:

This is the strategy for the first boss of NG2.

Before I saw this vid, I died about 10 times on him, trying to win without a talasman of rebirth.

The game is that good. Now if you think that sucks, then you might not like it.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
Well, I'll say one final thing on the subject, I think this was lost in my last post:

This is the strategy for the first boss of NG2.

Before I saw this vid, I died about 10 times on him, trying to win without a talasman of rebirth.

The game is that good. Now if you think that sucks, then you might not like it.

I don't think that video does justice to what a normal playthrough of the game is ;) I was nowhere near that perfect when I beat that boss. I don't remember using the Ultimate Technique either (not sure though).


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