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DMeisterJ said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
How come everyone sticking up for GoW and DMC are known Sony fanboys?

I stuck up for God of War, but Ninja Gaiden is worse than it (I know you'll say otherwise, you hate Jaffe and God of War), but still...

Ninja Gaiden is good, but not overly so. It's on par with DMC4 to me.

If you're talking about Ninja Gaiden 1, Black or Sigma, then what you say is sacrilige, lol.

If you say Ninja Gaiden 2, then I respect your opinion.


Again, when I consider this genre, I want a few things. Difficulty, depth, and boss battles. Now, DMC4, unfortunately is much easier than previous games in the series.

Most hardcore fans consider DMC3: Special Edition not just a great action game, but one of the best games ever made. You'll find that DMC3 got low ratings for its diffficulty and camera just like NG2.

DMC4 obviously tried to casualize the series, which went far in making it more popular, but also took away what I feel was the heart of what made DMC3 so special. The depth and difficutly.


As for God of War, you know how I feel. The games isn't even an action game. It's a story-based puzzler, with mediocre action elements implimented. The game is narritive driven, and very rarely will it resort to making you clunk your way through with real battles, but instead give you context sensative battle scenerios.

This is fine and good, but if you are looking for an action title, God of War isn't one. Sure it has action, but you control the coolest bits of it by pressing Triangle, Square, Circle, X, and Analog Stick circle when they appear on the screen, and not by actually fighting, most of the time.

What kills the game as even casual fun to me is the block puzzles and the like that have you kicking crap around and pulling levers. That's just not a fun time, lol, and I actually find myself getting stuck on those games, if you can actually believe it. I see what he was trying to do, but at the same time, I disagree with it from its conception.


Know this, however:

Each weapon in NG2 has a move list longer than the average Tekken fighter.

Each boss can have a finishing move put on it and killed very quickly if you have skill, or kill you a million times if you go in blindly.

Here is a video of the first boss, please watch it:


Now, the game IS as good as that looks. So, don't believe that Ninja Gaiden 2 isn't fantastic. Just have faith that the games you like are better for the entire audience of people who would play them, while NG2 is the far superior game for the audience it is aimed at, which is DMC3 and NGS fans who want a deeper, longer, and more well fleshed out experience.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.