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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Edge: Ninja Gaiden II walks all over DMC 4 and God of War

Euphoria14 said:

Well I wasn't have much trouble doing it in Sigma although I admit I stopped playing after 6 hours or so. I also heard NG2 is easier than Black/Sigma so I can't see why I couldn't do it again.

I am only going by what I have experienced. I don't have much trouble with games these days.

I'll give it a rent this weekend and let you know how far I get.

Also it may sound like I mean just hit one button non stop, possibly worded wrong, but I am pretty sure I wouldn't need to plan out each and every attack to make my way through the game. Unless Sigma becomes harder than what I was playing on.

I haven't played that non-Itagaki-approved port, but unless they TOTALLY fucked the game up it's impossible to pass it by button mashing.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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This thread went downhill fast.

BTW, it should be setting around half a million after 4 weeks of sales which isn't bad for such a hardcore game. We haven't received NPD data to know is US data is off or not either. DMC only sold around 1mil total on the 360. The beat-em up action game is a pretty niche genre especially the titles that schew more to the hardcore side.

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Desroko said:
Don't argue with him, NJ, he's way too hardcore for us.

This is the point where we say, "Video, please," and wait for the inevitable excuses.


You guys also don't realize how I never said I hated Ninja Gaiden. I still own each one other than NG2.

I notice it is fine here to dig on God of War and DMC, but I get flak for making comments on Ninja Gaiden.

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weezy said:
So Euphoria14 hasn't even played Ninja Gaiden b4, because everything he's spewing is lies.


You cant get past the 1st set of "bad guys" by just pressing one button.



I haven't played NG2. I have played 1-3 on NES and Black/Sigma on XBox and PS3.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Euphoria14 said:
Desroko said:
Don't argue with him, NJ, he's way too hardcore for us.

This is the point where we say, "Video, please," and wait for the inevitable excuses.


You guys also don't realize how I never said I hated Ninja Gaiden. I still own each one other than NG2.

I notice it is fine here to dig on God of War and DMC, but I get flak for making comments on Ninja Gaiden.

The only reason is because your so wrong.


We still love you tho.


I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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How come everyone sticking up for GoW and DMC are known Sony fanboys, who have never actually played Ninja Gaiden 2?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Euphoria14 said:
Desroko said:
Don't argue with him, NJ, he's way too hardcore for us.

This is the point where we say, "Video, please," and wait for the inevitable excuses.


You guys also don't realize how I never said I hated Ninja Gaiden. I still own each one other than NG2.

I notice it is fine here to dig on God of War and DMC, but I get flak for making comments on Ninja Gaiden.

Nah... If someone bashed God of War for lack puzzles or DMC for lack of flash I'm pretty sure they'd be called on. The same way anyone gets called on for bashing Ninja Gaiden for button mashing (that's you).


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

weezy said:
Euphoria14 said:
Desroko said:
Don't argue with him, NJ, he's way too hardcore for us.

This is the point where we say, "Video, please," and wait for the inevitable excuses.


You guys also don't realize how I never said I hated Ninja Gaiden. I still own each one other than NG2.

I notice it is fine here to dig on God of War and DMC, but I get flak for making comments on Ninja Gaiden.

The only reason is because your so wrong.


We still love you tho.


Possibly am with NG2. That is why I am going to rent it and see for myself. Although I still stand by my opinion on Black/Sigma.

At least I still have some love. I feel much better.


iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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ZenfoldorVGI said:
How come everyone sticking up for GoW and DMC are known Sony fanboys?

I stuck up for God of War, but Ninja Gaiden is worse than it (I know you'll say otherwise, you hate Jaffe and God of War), but still...

Ninja Gaiden is good, but not overly so.  It's on par with DMC4 to me.

Desroko said:
And to build on what wezy said - yeah, NGII has a stupid story. As does the original, and every God of War game, and every DMC game, and pretty much every game ever. The "storytellers" of the videogame industry are, on average, perpetual adolescents with as much literary talent as Danielle Steele on a bad day. They're the Uwe Bolls of interactive entertainment.

Killer 7 has a good story.

But yeah... everytime someone mentiones God of War's epic story... ohh man is it funny.  It's just Hercules the Legendary Journies if Kevin Sorbo was replaced by Vin Diseal.

They probably got the idea after getting drunk and watching Chronicles of Riddick, thinking "Man he's badass wish i could make a game about him" followed by an all day Hercules marathon via DVD.