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Euphoria14 said:

Well I wasn't have much trouble doing it in Sigma although I admit I stopped playing after 6 hours or so. I also heard NG2 is easier than Black/Sigma so I can't see why I couldn't do it again.

I am only going by what I have experienced. I don't have much trouble with games these days.

I'll give it a rent this weekend and let you know how far I get.

Also it may sound like I mean just hit one button non stop, possibly worded wrong, but I am pretty sure I wouldn't need to plan out each and every attack to make my way through the game. Unless Sigma becomes harder than what I was playing on.

I haven't played that non-Itagaki-approved port, but unless they TOTALLY fucked the game up it's impossible to pass it by button mashing.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957