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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft to get more aggressive in Europe.

endimion said:
NiKKoM said:
endimion said:
yeah the walkman argument, almost 30 years ago.... come on.... it's the 21st century..... Cybershot cameras are like iPods it might be big in sales doesn't make it the best product for the price tag.... Vaio notebook don't even get me started on that pile of crap..... without talking about all their proprietary shitty format they push on you like on PSP.... Sony is the microsoft of electronics... but then again it's fancy to have Sony brands in your house.. design are nice... I'll give them that... saying they are high end good quality product at that price... is a freaking joke....


Well that's you opinion about those products and I respect that.. but you do know that walkman isn't only the cassetes anymore but also their MP3 player line? And in their Phones? But thats still the reason why microsoft is losing in Europe.. the bad Brand name..


no a spec sheet and performance benchmarks are not my opinion.... and yeah their walkman line is shit compare to what you have out there... and their phone ??? is it a joke or you are serious ??? you must have been lost or in tibet

What's your problem? Don't like the fact that millions of people are buying their products? And they find the Sony Brand a good brand? You can't change that.. I'm only saying that they have a better Brand reputation then Microsoft... even if they make "shitty" products like you say... Sony still has a better Brand reputation then Microsoft..



Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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What Microsoft really needs is more localized marketing in Europe. Sony and Nintendo have this all set up; Microsoft seems to blanket its advertisements and distribution.

Make each country feel special, MS. For example, make it clear that you are marketing to Spain, and not just "country [x] in European Region." That is, in my opinion, MS's greatest fault in the EU region. It also explains why they seem to do so well in English speaking regions (where localization of marketing and advertisement is not an issue) but poorly everywhere else.">">

DirtyP2002 said:


Or the Blu-Ray-Player for the PS3 and the 4 months delay of the console.... explosive batteries for DELL-Laptops... great hardware

The BluRay player which functions very well and is an incredible value...but oh yeah, a delay based on a short supply of diodes means Sony sucks, right.

Explosive battery *rumors*, anway...and no computer manufacturers switched from Sony batteries to other ones. I remember a quotation from some CEO saying that no company other than Sony could deliver batteries in the quantities and of the quality required.  Those companies all still use Sony batteries; Sony just replaced whichever units were recalled, and redoubled their efforts in manufacturing them.



Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
DirtyP2002 said:


Or the Blu-Ray-Player for the PS3 and the 4 months delay of the console.... explosive batteries for DELL-Laptops... great hardware

The BluRay player which functions very well and is an incredible value...but oh yeah, a delay based on a short supply of diodes means Sony sucks, right.

Explosive battery *rumors*, anway...and no computer manufacturers switched from Sony batteries to other ones. I remember a quotation from some CEO saying that no company other than Sony could deliver batteries in the quantities and of the quality required. Those companies all still use Sony batteries; Sony just replaced whichever units were recalled, and redoubled their efforts in manufacturing them.




You can disagree with such things as value, but don't twist facts. The Sony battery issue was real.

NiKKoM said:
endimion said:
NiKKoM said:
endimion said:
yeah the walkman argument, almost 30 years ago.... come on.... it's the 21st century..... Cybershot cameras are like iPods it might be big in sales doesn't make it the best product for the price tag.... Vaio notebook don't even get me started on that pile of crap..... without talking about all their proprietary shitty format they push on you like on PSP.... Sony is the microsoft of electronics... but then again it's fancy to have Sony brands in your house.. design are nice... I'll give them that... saying they are high end good quality product at that price... is a freaking joke....


Well that's you opinion about those products and I respect that.. but you do know that walkman isn't only the cassetes anymore but also their MP3 player line? And in their Phones? But thats still the reason why microsoft is losing in Europe.. the bad Brand name..


no a spec sheet and performance benchmarks are not my opinion.... and yeah their walkman line is shit compare to what you have out there... and their phone ??? is it a joke or you are serious ??? you must have been lost or in tibet

What's your problem? Don't like the fact that millions of people are buying their products? And they find the Sony Brand a good brand? You can't change that.. I'm only saying that they have a better Brand reputation then Microsoft... even if they make "shitty" products like you say... Sony still has a better Brand reputation then Microsoft..


then we agree :) i'm european btw :) just happen to live in USA


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Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
DirtyP2002 said:


Or the Blu-Ray-Player for the PS3 and the 4 months delay of the console.... explosive batteries for DELL-Laptops... great hardware

The BluRay player which functions very well and is an incredible value...but oh yeah, a delay based on a short supply of diodes means Sony sucks, right.

Explosive battery *rumors*, anway...and no computer manufacturers switched from Sony batteries to other ones. I remember a quotation from some CEO saying that no company other than Sony could deliver batteries in the quantities and of the quality required. Those companies all still use Sony batteries; Sony just replaced whichever units were recalled, and redoubled their efforts in manufacturing them.



BR format itself is a joke.. that would have been awesome years ago now digital storage on an optical disk like that is a joke....

EDIT: it's just a good way to turn in cash.... as a viable solution for massive amount of data I'm sorry... but if sony can't come up with better they prove themself what i'm saying.... but about format war to be honnest they are all the same.... only university and small labs or scientific organisation are actually looking at the future the right way....

reask said:
crumas2 said:
obieslut said:
Theres nothing they can do. if that big price-cut didnt work then nothing will.

What left can they do to win europe


a. Reduce the price again (not a good option)

b. Produce a redesigned console and get several independent labs to verify it is bulletproof

c. Produce more European-focused games

d. Heavy marketing in Europe


They really need to do b, c, and d, IMHO.


b is possible ie slimline. euro games, I am not sure what you mean I am European and have no problem with the 360 catalouge.


I keep hearing that hard-core FPS games aren't as popular in Europe as in the US, so I'm thinking they could place even more of a focus on what Europeans like.  I didn't mean to imply there are no games on the 360 that appeal to Europeans.



NiKKoM said:
They should remove every trace of Microsoft of the xbox360.. Europeans don't like Big American Company's.. :) I mean how many times has the European Union gave a Milions++++ fine to Microsoft? :D

I would hope Europeans don't boycott a company because they disagree with some aspect of that company.  If so then Europeans shouldn't purchase Sony's products... Sony actually released music CD's that installed root-kits on PCs as a form of DRM.  How draconian.


In Europe, we're not stupid enough to buy products that break.
Actually, some are stupid enough to do that or just didn't know, but usually we don't.
We strive for quality, so now MS knows what to do, it's probably too late though.
Besides, we don't have the same return policies as what is available in the USA, which makes it worse.
And if some europeans don't want to support a company that will violate european laws to harm europeans, that's all the better. USA may have surrendered to MS, Europe won't.
I don't even need to go deep into difference of culture. You can force your culture on others only so much.
Then, you're going to meet resistance.

"Aggressive investment will ensure Xbox win"

... That and David Gosen's picture made me stop reading. :p

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