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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Have graphics for consoles peaked with this generation?

I figure the next Nintendo console will probably match the current PS3 graphics. The next play station and Microsoft consoles will probably only have slightly improved capabilities over the current generation.


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for where graphics on the next consoles may go, run the pc game crysis on ultra high, i expect the next PS/XBOX to atleast match that

Not at all. There will be a decent sized increase in graphical capabilities like there is every generation. Prices for cutting edge technology drop very fast at first, and there is already a lot of hardware out there superior to what a console can offer. We will not see the huge jump from PS2 to PS3 like we did last time, but every console will be better than anything this generation offers.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Well, the hardware capabilites will never peak with a single generation of consoles (until, god forbid, the last generation). However the size of the jump probably peaked with this generation.

I don't think developers will be interested in spending the money required to take advantage of much more advanced hardware. One game that doesn't sell could bankrupt them. I think nintendo has shown that they can make boatloads of money with significantly less advanced hardware and the other console makers will take note.

The PC will always be there for people who really want the best possible graphics.

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Paul your avatar is the funnerest & funniest thing ever

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


My avatar represents my deep respect for Bruce on games. I don't think there is anything funny about it.

No , its far from peaking ... we wont see a GTA3--->GTA4 jump , but there will be some difference thats for shore ;)

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

i dont think this gen but soon they will cap, you can only make cg graphic look so real b/f you might as well use something real in its place

hopefully we arent close to an art style cap and motion should only go up as well


Paul said:

My avatar represents my deep respect for Bruce on games. I don't think there is anything funny about it.

His face & expression is funny..


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey