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Forums - Sony Discussion - White Knight Chronicle (Level 5) set for 2008 Fiscal Year!!!

Soriku said:
FilaBrasileiro said:

I can't help but imagine this schedule of JRPGs for the PS3 in Japan this year:

September - Eternal Sonata
October - Cross Edge

November - WKC
December - FFXIII

That would definitely be enough to combat ToV, IU and Last Remnant on the 360, but would it be enough to get the PS3 selling at decent levels? I think if Sony is able add SE BC, then yes it would be enough.

Bolded are Japan only. I doubt they'll be able to combat the 360's games...

bolded is the part you didnt read =P


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Tears to Tiara is hitting the Japan at the end of the year as well. But that's probably even more niche than Cross Edge.

Man, Eternal Sonata better release over here.

And I really hope Level doesn't keep that retarded "no continues" system from Rogue Galaxy. I hate playing 20-30 minutes with no saves, then dying and being taken back to the start menu. It just makes me stop playing, because I don't feel like reloading the game and doing all that crap over again.